Log Status






Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

9 days

Last played

July 8, 2021

First played

May 25, 2021

Platforms Played


Sick Pokémon game where the plot has actual stakes and doesn't spoon feed you with airplane noises. I remember this game getting universally pissed on at release for some of the Pokémon designs, but guess what SUCKER, some of those Pokémon are favorites of mine.

The music pops ALLLL the way off and it is by far and still the best art style in the series. I love the animated pixels and it's an actual crime that we only stuck with it for 2 games.

My only real complaint is that Poison no longer damages outside of battle. If I want my Pokémon to perish in a Nuzlocke, which I really don't, then they should be able to god damn it!! It is however on thin ice because Lickitung is in the game, but he's a late game edition.

Can't wait for Gamefreak to ruin this game with a remake and make it the ugliest thing they've ever produced.