a summary of my thoughts on this game are "that was Cute™, but a very anticlimactic ending." cat quest has lovely art, and the combat is fun for a little while. the combat reminds me of cult of the lamb, but not as fast. the story is normal fantasy stuff, nothing that will blow your mind. the dialogue has some charm, but the honestly kind of uncreative cat puns did get tiring- and that is from someone who usually enjoys cat puns. i didn't have enough of a good time to personally feel like picking up the sequels, but for a little game i spent about five hours in one and off between other stuff, it was a good enough experience. it was definitely something to do with my hands while i was watching something else when that is all i needed. cat quest is good for the price and fun enough for being short, but nothing i feel like i'll ever replay.

i don't have the energy for an in depth review so to keep this short: fantastic remake. genuinely the portable version of this game i've wanted since i was a kid. there's a small amount of completely new content in post-game bosses, but there are dialogue changes and new poses for all characters that contribute to making this a fun refreshing experience even if you've played the original before. i've seen complaints about the game being slower because it's a lower fps but personally the only time i noticed was during cuts between scenes in the final story cutscene, which was slower than it needed to be. everything else was fine.

my experience with future connected is this: i played the main game of definitive edition, took a few months of a break, played xenoblade chronicles 2, and still wanted a bit more but am not in a place to pay for the second games dlc, so i decided to come back to future connected. so my experience with this is likely different from someone who didn't have the second game in between, because boy. even if the combat in this isn't quite the same as the rest of xenoblade chronicles 1, it felt like a breath of fresh air coming back from the second games combat system.

i found the bionis shoulder area a fun place to explore, and i loved getting to revisit melia and shulk; they were already my favorite two characters from the main game, so getting them specifically felt like a treat. two of riki's children coming along for the ride was also a delight, though by the end i was a little tired of them chiming in during important cutscenes. the overall story of this isn't anything grand, but i do like xenoblade lore, and i like how this tied into the overarching plot of the series just a little bit.

that said, i don't think i can tell anyone who doesn't care about melia specifically to bother with this. if you like the normal xbc1 gameplay and want more, you'll find some of that here, but toned down a little bit. it's not the same, but for me personally, it was able to feel refreshing and a return to something i enjoyed.

i enjoy this game quite a bit. it'a roguelike based on the concept of pokemon nuzlockes, which i think is fantastic. the monster designs in abomi nation are charming, and remind me of old flash games. i'm a bug fables fan, so the inclusion of monsters from that game are a plus for me! i'm not particularly good at nuzlockes or competitive related pokemon myself, so this game encourages me to try a style of gameplay similar to one i already like, but turning up the difficulty a notch.

unfortunately, i struggle to play it for long in one sitting. on the switch, i'm yet the find a way to turn off the vibration settings in the game- i don't want to have to them them off on my console itself, but they're very loud vibrations that carry on for much longer than a quick buzz. i've also had the game crash on my switch. i have it on steam as well, and experience crashes there as well; i don't have a laptop suited for gaming, but i'm usually able to run much more seemingly complex games on this thing with minimal issue, so i'm not sure what it is about abomi nation specifically.

abomi nation has a lot of potential, it just has been rough on the things i've tried running it on. i'd love to see a sequel with more polish that doesn't make my laptop or switch explode.

this game was a super mixed bag for me.

things i enjoyed;
the characters and overall plot. i definitely would say i prefer the first xenoblade game to this one, but this one had neat concepts and ideas that i found myself thinking about and sharing with my friends even when i wasn't playing. i think the worldbuilding around titans and blades is really cool, and i love the directions this game goes with it. i can understand other peoples problems with rex, and i do think there are times where his dynamic with pyra is written in... strange ways, but for the most part i think they're both very sweet characters that have a cute dynamic. in fact i like the entire main party's dynamic with each other, a lot. each of them stand out in their own ways for me. the villains also delight me, and i loved the turns the last couple of chapters took.

things i did not like;
there are a couple locations in this game where i really did not enjoy exploring them, mainly the factory. the map is not always helpful because while the planes you explore are multilayered, the map is not, which can make exploration confusing.

the gacha system was starting to frustrate me late game. i pulled no less than 150 crystals in a week and still finished the game without a non-story required blade on the 4th party member. admittedly with this particular character, they function fine just with their starting blade and even benefit from just that blade equipped, but it was nonetheless frustrating in terms of gacha rates. this may have just been my awful luck, i'm not sure, but it definitely had me irritated with that aspect.

the combat in this game was not my thing, personally. i found it slower yet more complicated than the combat from xenoblade 1, so it felt like a downgrade on that regard. once i learned some of the tricks from online information, it sped up, but the in-game tutorials are not well worded which does not help in combat being a slog sometimes because the game itself will not be where you get the needed information to speed it up.

in terms of plot and character, i had one major gripe; there is a love confession late game that i found very sudden, out of place, and out of character- it felt like the character doing it had been written with care up until that very moment, where they were handed to someone else who said "you haven't made them fanservicey enough" and wrote that confession in. what i'm about to add is definitely me projecting as well, but as someone who is lgbt, other aspects of what the character was saying and experiencing in that scene (and even one way earlier in the game) felt adjacent to coming out of the closet, so having a heterosexual love confession during this added to me finding it strange.

also, yeah, the fanservice. i'm not someone inherently bothered by this, but the way it's presented in this game, it genuinely can take you out of the plot sometimes.

okay. so i didn't realize how many complaints i had with this game. i'd like to be clear i am still leaving with an overall positive opinion of this game, but that's because i personally value story more than gameplay, and the story of this game was fantastic. i think if you're like me in that sense, and don't want to slog through the gameplay issues i've mentioned here, you might have just as good if not better of a time watching a compilation of the cutscenes from this game on youtube. it'll take you way less time and cost less. you'd be missing side quest plots and non-required blade specific side plots, but i had such bad luck with blade pulls playing it myself, i can't really say you'll get to see all of those anyway. if you want to experience a great and large scale story with fun characters for yourself and don't mind gameplay problems, i'd definitely say check it out for yourself.