It's a cool game and I get why people love this game but to me it wasn't anything special. I also only encountered AFK people so that's fun :).

The remake really shows you how gorgeous SS is. I love the water paint aesthetic. The motion controls are a bit worse in this game because of the lack of the sensor bar. The no motion controls option is pretty good but the game was made for using motion and feels a lot better with it in my opinion (please use motion). Fi's dialogue has been reduced which is a positive but personally I didn't mind Fi that much in the first game. The biggest issue I had with her is that she would straight up tell you the solution to some puzzles but that didn't happen to me because the smol version of me just skipped all of her dialogue. But other than that I actually really like Fi's character (especially in the end cutscene).

Funny story. The game uses your PC username and writes the name on the walls in blood. This is used as a horror element to scare the player and make them wonder how the game knows their name. I on the other hand had my PC username as "123". When I played through the game I kept wondering why it said "123" in red on the walls lmao.

My favorite Mario game. Love the aesthetic.

Amazing game no doubts, but as a long time Zelda fan I still have some complaints.
The dungeons are major improvements from what BotW's divine beasts were and have cool atmospheres (lightning temple) and things that set them apart. Though they have a long way to go. They all still follow the same divine beast layout of going to the middle of the dungeon, getting five waypoints and then going there. This in it self isn't that bad of a design but it's not good enough to justify putting it in every single dungeon.
It's also not the same experience without mini bosses and key items. I understand that giving the player key items in a pretty much optional dungeon that you never know when the player is going to get to might not be the best idea. But I do think I would prefer that if it meant getting new, cool and creative items. If you find some puzzle that you don't know how to beat you can just come back to it later with the intended item or because this game is so free you can find another way to solve the puzzle.
Designing the dungeon around the key item makes it much more enjoyable in my opinion and figuring out how to solve different puzzles with a new kind of tool you got is also really fun.
The story is amazing but it was in my opinion executed kind of poorly. I won't lie, I got emotional at the end of the game but that was the only time where I really felt a big connection to the story. While it was better than just the memories in BotW, maybe because of the open world aspect, I felt disconnected from the story. I think I would prefer to be apart of the story as to trying to figure out what has happened, at least in this kind of game. Also the story just completely fucks up the timeline so that's.. fun..
I know I have been shitting on the game this whole review but I do still like the game. The open world, even though it ruins a lot of things for me, is still amazing. The physics engine is amazing and the new abilities complement that fantastically. The world also feels much more alive now which is really heartwarming after seeing the state Hyrule was in during BotW.

A cool fan-made game where you explore what happens between OoT and MM. The thing with Saria was a bit weird but it works ig.

I only played one route but I liked it.


A good end to the series. I don't really like Noa that much but I still found the episode enjoyable. The ending could've been better imo but it was still hype af.

Really cool concept and executed well. I need to finish this.

The physics engine makes this game really fun, especially with friends.

An improved version of the GC original. The swift sail and shorter triforce quest makes this game a lot better. The graphics have also improved.

Amazing story and really fun gameplay. The game that proved to one of my friends that I don't have shit tastes in games. Let's go Malte.