3 reviews liked by iSimez

I wish I were half as cool as the monkey with the sunglasses on the cover art.

the most meaningful game in my meaningless life

I got the "In Water" ending

I don't think anything I could say about this game could do it justice. I feel, more than almost any other game I've played, like I just played some absolutely monumental achievement that I'm genuinely proud to say that I played through. At first, I wasn't even sure I would like this game more than the first one, but man after thinking about it this game blows the already fantastic Silent Hill out of the water.

There's so many layers to this game. Last night I was just thinking to myself about all the theories and analysis I could think of about this game. I still have a lot to really look into before I can say definitive stuff about a lot of what happens in the game, but I absolutely hope that in subsequent playthroughs of this my understanding of this game will become even deeper. (although, it might be a while because this game is draining haha)

So yeah, Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece. Who would've thought? Not exactly a hot take there, but can you really blame me? It's fucking Silent Hill 2, it speaks for itself.

3 lists liked by iSimez