A solid sequel with insane spectacle, probably one of the few games that really utilizes the PS5's hardware to the fullest. While the story is fantastic front to back, I am left feeling that the game as a whole could've used some more time in development. I experienced way more bugs than I would've liked to, but it didn't detract that much from my experience.

Manages to carry JSRF's legacy while still being it's own thing and improving upon everything present in the game's formula.

being a keyblade master means command deck and your games are mid

Not the biggest fan of this game. The combat is poorly designed, lacking any of the polish previous games in the series had. I understand it's a different battle style, but the basic attacks feel like garbage, and enemies often hit you out of your attacks, even the super flashy high-level ones. It ended up making it feel like a lot of the grinding I did to get stronger was pointless. The story was okay though, I liked the premise and characters enough to get me through this game. The cracks in the design truly start to show once you go to beat it with all 3 characters.

Improves upon just about everything from the first game, leading to a more fulfilling experience. Combat is once more the best aspect to me, as the refined system mixed with the new Critical difficulty made the game all the more enjoyable. This game now stands as one of my all time favorites, and served to enlighten me as to why so many love this series.

As a first timer with this series, I felt a lot of this game was quite clunky and often left me dissatisfied, though I still managed to find decent enjoyment out of the combat.

I honestly really liked this game for what it was, just about everything was great except for the gameplay.... It had some semblance of skill required but it just boiled down to flailing the wiimote like it was a sock with some quarters in it. Pretty short game, fun distraction if you're a devout fan of the franchise.