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I dislike all the Metro games for the same reason. They all make the same mistakes and do the same things well. The things they do well do not make up for the things they do poorly. This game is no exception to the other two.

Once again the game starts with Call of Duty esque follow someone, occasionally shoot thing missions. The game throws a curveball at you and gives you what looks like an open world, it actually isn't it's just a very large playable area with some different objectives in it. This first real section post prologue is the best part of the game, there isn't too much in the way of frustrating setpieces, the exploration seems fairly rewarding and there's a variety of different landmarks to scavenge.

Then you hit another linear level, it's not very good, then you hit the second large playable map that is much worse and more segmented than the first one, the pattern repeats. Finally the last map you're dropped into before the finale is essentially a linear stealth trek that takes about an hour, is very boring and punishes you for thinking about using the new weapons the game gives you.

The final level, funnily enough, feels more like an original 2033 level and while not great or anything, it's still the second best part of the game past the first open area the game gives you to explore. This game is incredibly tedious, it feels like the designers were confused as to what they even wanted the final product to be. The characters and the writing are flat, God help you if you play with the english dub on and don't turn on the Russian dub because the English VA work is just terrible.

The moral point system, which is bad in the other two, SEEMS fixed at first and makes more sense. Until you realize that ALL BUT 3 major choices/gameplay decisions in the game are pointless towards getting the true ending and they all amount to doing a no kill run/stealth only playthrough essentially. The game makes it a point to have characters give you new LETHAL weapons and such, point them out to you, but if you go loud or even think about using them, the game will punish you with the bad ending.

Did I mention the tediousness of this game? The realism elements when they're condusive to gameplay are cool, the diagetic hud elements are great, the guns feel good. But as stated above the game punishes you for killing people essentially or for going loud throughout large chunks of the game. There are vehicle sections involving boats and cars, neither of these are fun to use, they are slow and handle like feces. The game likes to spam spawn mutant enemies that bum rush you and pull you into quick time events.

The stealth the game wants you to use oh so much is PASSABLE at best, and at worst extremely inconsistent. Enemy sightlines feel off sometimes, your indicator will say you're hidden but you're really not and will get spotted. Using bows or silenced weapons doesn't matter, if you kill enemies from stealth with these, most of the time the entire compound you're infiltrating will know where you are telepathically. Most of the main story missions are these Far Cry 3-esque knockout takedown spamathons, so God forbid you started a mission in the daytime because then the stealth will be extremely difficult to pull off.

I wanted to like this game, I wanted to like all these games, the elements are here for a good game, but 4A keeps churning out the same crap with the same problems over and OVER again, which wouldn't irk me so much but people LIKE it, it baffles me.