A proper return to form for the Metroid series. Not much else to say but it's easily the best 2D Metroid since Super. Minor nitpick is that it's a bit too easy, besides the final quarter which I thought ramped up the difficulty and tension in a way that really felt satisfying.

Other than that, no complaints here, fantastic game.

I had put off playing this game for a very long time and while it has some issues, maybe with pacing and everything wearing a bit thin by the end I really enjoyed my time with it.

Aesthetics are on point, for an Unreal 3 Game this thing looks really good and there didn't seem to be issues with an overabundance of muddy textures and pop in like a lot of other Unreal 3 games have.

The gameplay, while for the most part simple, is really helped with pushing the player to undertake the optional Riddler puzzles. Which are by no means that challenging or groundbreaking but it does help keep the pace brisk until the end for the most part.

While the story is nothing to write home about really, the way it's presented and especially voice acted was quite entertaining and very well done which was another big highlight for me. Overall I really dug this and look forward to knocking the other two games off my backlog at some point in the future.

The first 2/3rds of this game are really cool. Wolfenstein levels that are accessed from a hub and you are pretty much free to tackle them in any order. A weapon upgrades system that the series hadn't seen yet up to that point I think and the supernatural powers are pretty fun to use.

Then after the first hub, the game was clearly rushed, the second hub has nowhere near as much thought put into it or content at all for that matter. The levels start to drag and suffer as a result.

The final boss of the game was super frustrating for me as well, could be a skill issue or some weird animation bugs at high frame rates but he took me a hot minute to beat on Hard mode.

Definitely an interesting game though and underrated, the first chunks of it anyway. Can we get Raven out of the COD mines now?