panzer dragoon ranking

even going into disc 2 of PDS i knew this was the objective best one. it became my favorite once i beat it

S tier= Saga
A tier= Orta, Zwei
B tier= Panzer dragoon, Remake
C tier= Mini

Panzer Dragoon Saga
Panzer Dragoon Saga


Panzer Dragoon Orta
Panzer Dragoon Orta
the reason its higher than zwei is that it has alot more going on. zwei is like a fine line of snow white coke, its bitchin and gives you a good rush. but orta, is a GIANT RAGING BOULDER OF CRACK THAT WILL KICK YOUR ASS


Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
tbh zwei is the better game compared to orta. better story, more polished and realized, and good difficulty range


Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon


Panzer Dragoon: Remake
Panzer Dragoon: Remake


Panzer Dragoon Mini
Panzer Dragoon Mini



2 months ago

something I'll never forget someone remarked about Zwei was that it's difficulty comes from trying to get 100% shotdown rather than surviving til the end. which more I'd add is I also like it's a game that only becomes diffcult when you make it diffcult (trying to shoot everything) compared to Orta just wanting to be diffcult because fuck it

2 months ago

@NessyBoy64 even tho i thot u were a bit harsh on ur orta review i think ur 100% justified on the difficulty, ur also right about zwei being more difficult by shooting more because i saw that someone behind the dev team mentioned they dont like punishing shooters so his philosophy carried onto the game and yeah that was awesomesauce. i find myself replaying that wayyy more often than orta, i can handle orta but all the mechanics make it less fun to just zip through

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