the writing and story are really not that good at all, the dialogue ranges from being cringeworthy to mildly amusing, but honestly i feel like the game nails the vibe it's going for and it isn't meant to be taken seriously much

the gameplay itself more than makes up for it really, it's so much fun to just play and blow shit up, especially around the end of the main story there's a lot of sections of just brainless killing that isn't even like too easy and it's really fun

there's a few missions where i felt like they were dragging it on but overall the story is the weakpoint but it's serviceable, bit like a racing game story where it's only really there to give you slight motivation to keep racing

was tearing up through aidens ending a little ngl. really love how they handled both aiden and wrench here in a way that connects them and gives us a pretty end to aidens legacy

i do dislike how this plays out if you keep playing as him in the main story but i dunno about that really, i'd rather they keep this ending and risk that ig

only downside is jackson looks like a jackass

i'm kinda in a rut and as much as i'd like to finish this game, i've read others agree that it really isn't that good. i wanna get into the hitman series and while starting from the first isn't a bad idea, starting from the arguably worse one is definitely a bad idea. sorry bald man.

i'm not exaggerating when i say this but this game might genuinely have revived my love for video games

i had never heard about this game in my life, i merely googled "good ps2 games" and found this in a video and i saw about 3 seconds and was like "what is this about even" and i didn't look it further, i just downloaded it and booted i up

at first i was lost. everything was confusing. but once i started playing it i got really into it

the controls are a bit ... hm. i get what it's going for, it just never sank in for me, it did enough for me to play it but it just didn't ever feel good to me

other than that? absolutely lovely game, something very calming about kidnapping children and hearing people scream as i roll them up

i think i finished it? at least i filled up the constellations and finsihed all the stars and moon. i kinda sucked at doing all of it but it IS Done.

it was surprisingly short, it took me like 5 hours to finish this and i'm glad it did, it did feel like the game had showed me everything and now i can just boot it up again to replay parts if i feel like it. there's no stress or pressure to keep playing, since i have this annoying urge to play a game quickly so i can finish it. with no real sidecontent or distractions, i just have a very linear path to follow and simple goals to meet. i like that.

the visuals are really pretty (i play without any upscaling with a soft crt filter) and the music is always so good, from the level songs to the catchy theme to the weird off putting cutscenes and character designs, love the aesthetic of this game

the trailer for the rogue prince of persia came out and i watched it yesterday, leading me to me watching the entire triple i showcase, and i was surprised at how much of it was attractive to me. i usually do not enjoy indie games, i'm a realism over fun kinda person, but this really did change my mind on games for the better i think, i can appreciate so much more about different types of games now.

thank you katamari damacy, i'll get around to playing more of this series in the future at some point but for now i think i'l go replay a few levels and then venture into more games i couldn't otherwise have thought of playing