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April 8, 2024

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February 21, 2024

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My single biggest problem with Splatoon 3’s base game single player campaign, Return of the Mammalians, is that it sticks too closely to Octo Expansion in terms of gameplay style, without a clear reason to do so. Seeing elements taken so blatantly without the great execution of its predecessor does not make for a fun gameplay experience, it just makes you wish you were playing Octo Expansion instead. And all three games have the same problem of oh god we’ve been fighting the same reskinned enemies for four different campaigns please just let it end. More than anything, my one wish for Side Order (aside from simply seeing my favorite gay little cephalopods again) was for it to be something different. I’m pleased to say I got my wish. The execution isn’t always great, but by and large, I am pleased with what we got.

Side Order is Splatoon’s first outing as a roguelite, and it works pretty well. Not having singularly created, self-contained levels is definitely a big change, but cycling through different combinations of stages and objectives works better in this style of game. Maybe there could be more objective variety, but I overall find it fun to rise the spire over and over again. Only three bosses is a bit of a letdown, but Asynchronous Rondo is probably the best non-final boss Splatoon has ever given us so I’m ok with that. I also love the palette system! Selecting different powerups to complement your weapon and style of play is super fun.

I also appreciate that this game is as hard as you want it to be. If you want the game to be harder, select more difficult levels, turn off hacks you don’t think you need, use weapons you aren’t as comfortable with. But with enough attempts, even inexperienced players will eventually see the end if they keep trying. I’ve seen some complaints about it being too easy, but being punishingly difficult has never been a part of Splatoon’s design philosophy. Octo Expansion was hard, yes, but anyone can see the credits if they want. It’s the same case here.

Unfortunately, the roguelite structure betrays the story. I actually quite like the story for this game, I think going back to ‘hey octo expansion was fucked up we should talk about that’ was a great idea, but the way and order in which it is presented is… a choice? The majority of the backstory you will only see after you have already completed a first run of the spire. Yes, there is still story and an incentive to keep beating the game with different weapons, but you cannot say that the stakes are still the same. Hell, I think rescuing Marina in the tutorial was a mistake. If they just restructured the order in which you learn information and do things, it would be so much better. I don’t think it’s bad, mind you, just could be better.

However, I am easily pleased. Dear lord, this game is gay. Saying Splatoon is gay is a bit like saying grass is green, but Pearl and Marina are just relentless in this game. I love it. Sappholopods forever. Also, I was extremely pleasantly surprised that they actually committed to Acht/Dedf1sh using they/them! I thought after the marketing they would just dance around it, but nope, it's there in the game. That’s really cool to see.

Yes, Octo Expansion is the better DLC and if you go into Side Order expecting Octo Expansion 2.0, you will be disappointed, as I know many were. I can’t blame anyone for that, Octo Expansion was really something special. But I enjoyed myself playing this game (and still am, I haven’t completed every single palette yet. Unfortunately, my professors don’t accept ‘splatoon’ as a valid reason to miss exams), and I’m happy to see a step in a different direction. I’d love to see more experimentation in the future from the Splatoon team. And maybe also see Off the Hook finally kiss.