July, 2023


I played this cammy player for like 20 or 25 games. lost all of them but 1. i usually do well when i play defensively. had a lot of close rounds and enjoyed playing even though i lost so much. feels like my psych game is pretty good, but i don't have a handle on moves and combos like i need to. i know how to use each of my special moves on demand really well to counter and surprise, but when i get an opening i am bad at punishing and keeping damage on. otoh when she cornered me it was really hard to get out usually; there's hardly even a window when i can use a drive attack. actually any time she could land any attack i knew i was in danger of being juggled and basically losing control for the rest of the match because she had relentless combos. and when i do create an opening or reverse the situation after getting pummeled in a corner i keep struggling with using the super i want to. so i'm in a weird spot where i feel like my experience has grown my play sense, which is a more advanced thing, like having a good feel for positioning and anticipation and counters, but i don't have a firm enough grasp on my fundamentals. that's probably because i only did a few character guides, then didn't play for a week, and then came back and tried to grind a bunch of fighter pass when really i need to do more basic training.

June, 2023


Just checking out all the options and modes. Will probably start playing for real tomorrow.