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Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2


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i want to give it 5/5 but then i would be lying and im a truther.

the combat is so much FUN and only gets better, same thing with the bosses. i’m so invested in all the characters and i really hope we get to see the dominants backstories in a future dlc or something. please i’m begging.

ik ppl complain that there are too many side-quests and i do agree, yet most of them seem to fit into the story unlike other FF games. being bombarded with side-quests before the end did break the immersion, but again those side-quests were meaningful and i don’t regret doing them (despite it taking 4 hours for me to complete them all).

there are some boring parts but the game easily picks up its pace again.

either way i love u clive, top 3 FF protagonist, and i love this game and now i have ffxvi brainrot thank u

man i spent so many hours on this game it’s so much fun. YAHOOOOO!!!