i was addicted in this shit on 12-14 years, it's awesome

type of a game you play like, one time and never (or not play, you know what happens), but it's cool, it's well written, perfect soundtrack, so yeah, it's positive.

Incredibly underrated, has a amazing level design and visuals, perfect soundtrack, a somewhat fine expressions, greater creativity and, the principal, fun, it's a really fun game

But prejudice and the false narrative of a "mArIO GaLaXY coPy uHuH" made this a hated game, but yeah, has strong inspiration in Mario in general and the story is terrible.

After all, it's a good game, yeah, that's all what i have to say

A really honest game, but very bad sincerally

Confusing level design, forgettable soundtrack but fine, poor visuals, but it have a good character design so ok i guess.

One of the worst combat i ever played, but at least no need to use until bosses, which it's a fucking button smashing.

Sorry LakeFeperd, mas dessa vez não deu não.

It's a fine game, really deep, amazing soundtrack, great story, unique visuals, a game with a soul so lovely...

But the gameplay, after all, it's not that great, it's fun but begins to be repetitive in fourth stage, it's focused in practice to combine with the theme of the game, but i found somewhat boring.

It's a fine game, i play sometimes and yeah.

One of best Sonic games, for sure.

It's unique, great level design, enhanced gameplay like better controls to Tails' fly and every emerald power, useful for every situation like bosses and stages, plays with your creativity and it's awesome!

New playable characters like Amy Rose and Trip that changes EVERYTHING. Awesome animations, even more expressive than some games. The Bosses are awesome and better than every boss fight from Sonic Mania & Sonic 3 together, including the final bosses, it's just like Cuphead boss fights! It's one of best bosses of all series. The story is GREAT, some people found confusing but it's just like Sonic 3, you need to look to every little detail to understand.

But, it had your flaws. The difficult is great balanced, it's hard but not unfair in main story, but Trip's Story gets super hard, it's more like a challenge rather a alternative story, and bosses that in original was fun, here gets nearly impossible and endless. The Fang Final Boss are a great boss, but unfair for sure.
The Soundtrack after all is good, when music is great it's perfect (Rintaro Soma and Tee Lopes are a greater composers) but when get bad, get mid.

The multiplayer it's good, it's chaotic and really fun, some people could find this bad for being a total chaos, but it's literally the same for every Super Mario 2D post NSMB Wii, so what?
The Battle Mode is fine, much like Sonic 3-Mania multiplayer with customization, which it's fine too

It's not buggy, have some bugs and glitches but not that kill your gameplay or something. Sonic Mania on Launch was like that.

In general, it's a great game, i had a great time. I totally recommend. It's getting underrated as hell and don't even deserve the hate.