2 reviews liked by ivalice2330

Wife’s Reaction:
“I’m so happy you’re so happy; otherwise life would be crappy.”

The Legacy of the Crystals:
I adore Final Fantasy thanks to the series’ tradition of premium presentation, breathtaking music, and a unique identity for each entry. FFXVI had all that plus an awesome cast, insanely tight combat, and the most epic moments I’ve played in a game bookended by plenty of quiet and emotional beats. It’s a dream game that exceeded my hype.

Wife’s Reaction:
“The increasing ridiculousness of the villain names is the only way I can track your progress through your multitude of pixelated games.”

Breaking the Crystal Ceiling:
I’m happy to say the Job System in Final Fantasy V lives up to the hype; it helps make the combat better than ever because of all the options available. I spent so much time swapping Jobs and optimizing each character. The Job System needs to return!