Games I like more than most

Companion list to "Games I like less than most". Here are the games I ranked more than one star above the backloggd average! I love that this is so much shorter than its companion list. I'm not a grumpy old man I swear

5.0 stars (avg 3.8). Favorite game. Nearly 30 years old and arguably still the best job system.
5.0 stars (avg 3.4). If you ignore the hit-and-miss humor and lackluster aesthetic you get a game that distills pure fun into its most addictive form.
4.5 stars (avg 3.3). Never played Tekken 7 so this is the pinnacle of the series for me.
4.5 stars (avg 3.2). Where many games I feel nostalgic for disappointed me when I returned much later, this did the opposite. I liked it as a kid and like it even more now.
4.5 stars (avg 3.4). The fact that the platforming is so unique and yet so well-done means that this is my personal favorite platformer of the 8-bit era. Plus you get to blow Hitler up!
4.5 stars (avg 3.3). The low average honestly surprises me - this is an extremely forward-thinking and revolutionary take on the RPG genre with a classic coat of paint.
4.0 stars (avg 2.8). Yeah it's short, but I got it for 50c. Looks traditional but has a lot of QoL and interesting twists on the formula.
4.0 stars (avg 2.7). One of the few games with BS difficulty I enjoy, because the deaths are entertaining and you never lose too much progress.
3.5 stars (avg 2.3). Tight controls, great sense of humour.
4.0 stars (avg 2.7). Nostalgia I guess. Have great memories of playing vs mode with my friends and cousins. Yuri Sakazaki probably my first video game crush.
3.5 stars (avg 2.2). A surprisingly good time. Hot take: Street Fighter's budget copy of Mortal Kombat is better than Mortal Kombat.


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