Really wanted to love this game, the visuals, music, setting, and atmosphere are GREAT exactly the kinda thing I would expect to love but it's kind of a huge slog, has some serious balancing issues and the exploration and internet references get really grating after a while.

Battles just feel like a test of attrition and how many potions and mp items you bought previously, I think having the players HP and MP refill upon level up could make everything a lot more bearable but most fights are either way too easy or just a matter of spamming health potions hoping your opponent misses or does something dumb so you can get a hit or two in. At best it's forgettable and at worst its "hard" in like the worst way possible.

Love this game! Very mechanically deep and fun to learn and the high energy music, sound effects, visual flare and dialogue all kept my adhd riddled brain glued to my screen, the Humour is also definitely solid but sometimes the reliance on internet references can get just a liiiiiiittle grating and the final boss was kinda miserable for me, but over all a great game!

Want to be specific here and clarify that I played the original release and not scholar.
This game is flawed for sure, there is no way around that but the hate is def overblown. if you can get your hands on the original release (even though it rarely ever goes on sale) do it and you're in for a much more pleasant experience. dark souls II is if anything experimental and a lot of the time to it's detriment but I wanna say most of the time it doesn't really matter. Most of its issues (aside from maybe how important it is to dump levels into ADP [stupid stat]) are only really exacerbated and made more of a hurdle by scholars terrible enemy placement. This is a fine, somewhat less memorable sequel to a brilliant game.

Think this was the first switch game I ever bought and I was so excited to get into it but I just thought it was ok, I may just not like twin stick shooters though idk

Really wanted this to replace pokemon go for me but when I have my max number of pikmin out it lags my phone HARD and I can't do anything, feel like this game isnt the best optomized.

Honestly just did not vibe with this game at all, game play is like, too restrictive to have any kind of self expression factor but also too loose to really call it a puzzle game and both of these things just lead to frustration. As admirable and challenging it is to tell a story without just telling you whats happening and having the story emerge amid gameplay I just think its been done better in other games like dark souls.
Also did not like the music very much I found it kind of annoying.

SMT IV was my first title in mainline after getting into the franchise through persona 4g+5, I picked it up at gamestop for like 17$ knowing it was supposedly related to persona and expecting it to at least be alright and if it wasn't at least it was cheap so no big loss but holy fucking shit this game rewired my brain chemistry I love this game it's one of my favourite video games of all time now, thanks to purely this game I own every game in the entire franchise now.

First I'll talk about the combat, it's exceptional I didn't know it was basically the standard at the time for SMT but the concept of rewarding more turns for exploiting weaknesses and landing crits is just incredible I experienced this with persona but the one more system just doesn't compare how it feels to pass half turns onto the rest of the party and maximize the amount of of skills you can fire off in SMT IV there's just nothing else like it and smirking was a genius way to to add onto the press turn system and further reward exploitation and punish playing recklessly.

Second the ATMOSPHERE OH MY GOD I have never been as sucked into a games atmosphere as I was this game the exploration once you get past the long but imo enjoyable opening makes you really feel like you're exploring a myriad of real places that people once used to go about their business in. A high attention to detail really makes the locations in this game feel real and lived in. The music compliments this game extremely well it's creative and interesting and Atlus went all out giving this game an extremely robust soundtrack that adds to the atmosphere of each area insanely well this soundtrack got in my head so hard there were areas I'd walk into and freeze in place only to retreat back to the previous area and look else wear because the song playing in that area was so immediately intimidating and oppressive and idk how many times or for how long I've just sat on the world map paused just to listen to the over world theme on loop.

Thirdly the characters and writing which are just also great, SMT is big on exploring different ideologies and the extremes ideals can take us to as people. I still have to play some of the older games in the series but I don't think any other game in the franchise has displayed this as well as IV does travelling with your companions and seeing how the world effects them and changes them with their pre existing bias is just amazing I love all the characters to death and they feel so real and the way the change and things they believe in are just so natural for a game like this. This is going to sound very reddit but genuinely I think this was one of the first games/piece of media that really made me start thinking about my own world view and helped me start to deconstruct a lot of preconceived biases about people and religion and the world, this game genuinely helped me grow as a person and I am definitely bias towards this game as a result lol.

In conclusion, this is just the best one almost no other game has done or ever will accomplish what SMT IV sets out to do.

I didn't even like this as a kid man, i thought the art and junk was really cool but the gameplay was just kinda whatever and it ended so quickly

I got to AR 36 and I just can't stand this game man. only got into it to play with some friends but multiplayer with people you actually know blows chuncks cause if theyre higher level then you you cant join their world and they fucking insta kill anything in yours, the gameplay feels so flaccid combat just feels really sluggish, and this is a more personal thing but I hate most of the character design.
Just not for me ig

Feel like this games kinda overhated but it's definitely not good lol

I played this as a child and one of my pokemon got poisoned and I didn't know that's what the screen glitching out when I walked meant so I threw my copy out because I thought it was broken.