I wanted to like this game more than I did.

I liked the graphics and combat system by the end, but I hated the combat for the first couple of hours until I got used to it. Not a huge Star Wars guy, but the story was satisfying enough. It would have been nice to add in the ability to skip cutscenes.

I absolutely hated the holomap design and backtracking for collectibles at the end. Going for the platinum was grueling because of the awful maps, ridiculous level design, and lack of fast travel (with all the meditation points - why no fast travel?).

Overall, a decent game with nice graphics and good story. Tons of room for quality of life improvements, hope to see those in the sequel.

Pure fun! This was my first Ratchet & Clank and I loved every minute of it.

I had a good time utilizing all the different weapon types in the simple but fluid combat system. There are a lot of fun elements packaged into this game -- for example, getting around on the hover boots.

Looking forward to picking this one up again later for a Challenge mode replay, and exploring some of the older entries in the series.

Fluid gameplay, but story and open world aspects were just OK.

Miserable platinum experience for me because of this game's punishing autosave, and reverting back to your first playthrough when using chapter select.

Outside of that, I think this game looks and plays really well. The story is cheesy horror goodness, with each of the characters being interesting on their own despite being stereotypical. I think this is great choice for fans of the genre.

These aren't generally my favorite type of game, but Detroit: Become Human did a good job with their flowchart system and seeing precisely how your choices have an impact. This made it a lot more fun to go back and explore alternative story paths as well as collect trophies. This was a welcome change from Until Dawn's punishing autosave mechanic.

In terms of the story itself, it's pretty predictable how things are going to go from the jump, but I still enjoyed playing and seeing alternatives. The game feels good to play and does a good job of trimming a lot of the "extra stuff" we don't need to see or play.

Perfect sequel that kept or improved everything that went well the first time around, and also reduced some of the bloat (like how in the first game, they forced a # of crimes per district for completion). I loved being able to play as both Spidermen, and the new abilities made the gameplay even more fun.

The story is good, but it's the combination of addictive combat and city exploration that will have me coming back to this soon.

You can tell this was made by Harry Potter fans. The magic of the Wizarding World really comes to life, and the game has so much to offer. It doesn't ask too much of you when it comes to combat or challenge, which was a nice change of pace. There's plenty to explore, and the game has a good fast travel system, but I ended up using my broom a lot as it was super fun and convenient. I wish my story choices had more of an impact, but honestly I cared less about the story and more about just exploring the world.

My completionist thoughts are that there were just a tad too many collectibles in the Platinum, and requiring you to play the beginning with each house wasn't worth it, as each playthrough was only slightly different. I'm not sure I'd play this one again even though it was really fun.

P.S. JK Rowling Sucks

Really fun little game, liked this one a lot


This game was alright. I added an extra star for featuring a playable cat :-)

Playing Uncharted 4 in 2016 when it came with my PS4 literally turned me into the gamer I am today. This game is absolutely gorgeous and has super fun, simple gameplay. It gets 5 stars for being exactly what it's billed as, and for being my introduction to so many other games.

Enjoyed it just as much as Uncharted 4.

The best PS4 theme, I still miss it.

This review contains spoilers

Highly recommend this overall. I love that indie games like this exist.

Wonderful concept executed very well with a fun pixel art style. The characters are funny, and the core gameplay loop is very addicting. It's easy to get that "one more dive" mentality. I really loved the easter eggs in the mini-games and other game mechanics that they were able to integrate. I'd also recommend playing this one while playing another game, it's perfect as a second game that you switch back and forth between.

What I liked most:
• Managing the sushi restaurant
• Diving and spearfishing
• Art style
• Easter egg game mechanics

What I didn't like as much:
• Main story / Sea people village
• Boss fights

Fun game, and campaign still held up even on a replay 6+ years later. BT is a great companion.

Don't mention "Becomes the Master" to me.. I think I might call that one quits.

Very cool game concept, but clunky controls can make it punishing sometimes. Especially hated the final colossus.

I have to give it a low rating because this game frustrated me so much with its controls and camera, even though I recognize it is a landmark of gaming.