His predecessor remains much more fascinating and Brotherhood is heavily built on it but I think this is the more mature videogame.
The singular map give the game a more defined feeling and for the first time in assassins creed it really feels like you're free in a real city without compromises. The main story is not so great and the main villain was for me a bit of a let down. Don't get me wrong I like pathetic and incompetent villains but this one felt strange like the player could tell he was a fraud but not the game so I was always expecting something cool from him but no. On the other hand side quests improved a bit and the division in factions was smart. Also the parkour dungeon (in this case led by this wolf guys) were not shit and the finale to all that was really good. Tha mechanic of getting passive income by rebuilding Rome is cool although I don't know how Ezio can own the Colosseum. The shop quests that required random objects were very not good and the armour and weapons progression still feels off, the cycle being always: complete story arc, buy everything that unlocked, repeat to the end. The assassin recruits mechanic is cool but really bare bone. Now taking a moment to praise the parachute mechanic, I don't why every game after this hasn't implemented it. Concluding on the conclusion of the game that unfortunately I already know as I think it's pretty iconic; I still really like the aesthetic of the future in Assassin's Creed and although I don't really feel much for the character, especially because in this one they were barely in it, they are ok and I want to know the end to their journey.

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This game attracted me for his setting not so common in any media really and what seemed an heartfelt tale about loss and acceptance. So when I saw it was free on Plus I decided to try it. The game presents itself in a good way: music is great, the backgrounds are very detailed and the overall look is well done; maybe I'm not really a fan of the character models in game that look like not very inspired claymation products but on the other hand the artworks that represents them during dialogues are great and really varied. But I didn't finish this game so something must have gone wrong and that was the gameplay for me. I'm relatively new to metroidvania but I really like them and I think this one doesn't have those intelligent ways of making the world feel full even if you're jumping from corridor to corridor and at the same time make the player feel engaged with the exploration and progression. I rarely felt reward for my exploration and it all felt pretty straightforward (thinking in particular at those damn lore faces that you can hear only in the menu and it is 2024 and voice data recordings in games are still inconsistent on this it's crazy. Also movement and combat although pretty to look at felt stiff or imprecise and the abilities not so well amalgamated together to give the correct flow and rhythm. I really wanted to follow the narration and a culture that is almost inexistent in media but playing from an enemy encounter to another or a wall jumping (mechanically programmed to make me miss the edge by some pixel) to another felt too much like a chore.

gotta retry this on pc cause it seems cool but not a controller game

It seems to have a lot of possible questions and the fake stop-motion style is cute but the format is too simple and the pyramid at the end destroys every progress earned before so the winner is always random.

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La prima volta che entrai in contatto con Doki Doki Literature Club fu attraverso Pewdiepie e vidi fino all'evento della cameretta. Chiusi tutto, il cuore che batteva fortissimo come mai nessuna altra opera mi aveva provocato. Ancora oggi uno dei momenti più belli ed impattanti che abbia, seppur indirettamente, esperienziato di un videogioco.
Passano anni ed il fenomeno Doki Doki nasce e muore. Tutti l'hanno giocato, la quantità di gameplay su YouTube deve rappresentarne almeno un 1% dei suoi contenuti (veramente un sacco). Io nella mente avevo solo quella rampa di scale, quel batticuore e quella cantilena decadente, nella mia mente Doki Doki aveva fatto qualcosa di unico e potentissimo.
Arriva oggi o almeno mesi fa e scopro questa versione uscita su console. Consapevole che non sto andando incontro all'esperienza più pura ma il desiderio di scoprire cosa fosse il gioco dopo quel momento così assurdo... E' banale.

Great to play at school. Became obsolete real fast.