This game is actually illegal in the United States. It's about the only game I know that broke the law. I don't recommend playing it for that reason.

I only played it on a dare. I could feel myself losing my sanity after just 15 minutes. Something about the music, the controls, and the graphics make it seem like it was a creepypasta and not an actual game meant for children.

I didn't make it past the second level. I'm shocked AVGN hasn't done a video on this. It's prime nerd material.

Review more for what it represents than the actual quality of the release itself, though at launch, this game was a glitchy, unplayable mess. All this could have been forgiven if Blizzard had left the original version alone, but they didn't do that. It is now impossible to play the original version through This says to me Blizzard actually hates you. So for making one of the all-time greatest PC games worse, it's about the worst remaster ever made. And I'm even saying that as someone who played the Silent Hill HD Collection.

This game is actually hazardous to your health. The limited edition items shipped with black mold. Look it up. It actively works to kill you before you even play the game. Still buggy and awful 4 years later. West Virginia deserves better representation in gaming than this. Don't let the Fallout TV show gaslight you into playing it.

This is an example of Nintendo at their highest point of hubris. The Wii U was essentially dead by 2015. I was using it more to play old Wii games than new Wii U games at this point in its lifespan. A new Animal Crossing game might not have been able to save the console, but it at least could have showed they were still listening. Instead, they released an awful Mario Party ripoff that you needed separate toys to even play. The results were obvious. My local Walmart had unsold stock of this game well into 2019. They couldn't move it even marked down to 10 dollars. Nobody wanted this, or even asked for this. It was predatory in its practices, but because it was Nintendo it didn't get the flack it deserved. This is one Wii U game that Nintendo hasn't ported to Switch and it will likely stay that way. For good reason. A black stain on the reputation of an otherwise great series.

Basically everything wrong with licensed tie-in games distilled into one unfun and repetitive package. Avoid like the plague. Literally any other Dragon Ball game on PS2 is better than this.

This is without question one of the worst games I've ever played. Yet it's also what introduced me to Spawn, who would go on to become my favorite super hero and comic book growing up. It's funny how the world works sometimes.

Hi Barbie. It's Ken. I miss you. It's so quiet after you died. There's nothing. But the voices. They never stop. See you in an hour!

At the time when this game came out, it was probably the best way to play Super Mario Bros. Had a bunch of cool extra content, as well Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels. It's well worth your time even now.

In my opinion, this is the definitive version of Dragon Quest IV. It has all the content of the DS version, plus the party chat feature that was cut at the last minute from the DS version. It can also be played on tablets, too. Square, re release this on Switch, and I'll definitely buy it again.