85 reviews liked by jankg

The best denpa VN in my opinion. It's mostly about characters trying to "escape" from the narrative (hence the kyojin part) but it also touches many, many fields. Also very unique writing style and graphics and music oh god it's perfect. Still made me dumbfounded after years of rereading.

An interesting demonstration of the Solarus engine, and some pretty good spritework in this style.

A very silly turn-based RPG with scantly clad women in a 90s anime style.

The premise is that all girls are being kidnapped and turned into monsters. It's a very silly setting where you'll be fighting all kinds of monster girls.

It's got an all-female cast of warriors filling different stereotypes and fighting for justice! Some magical girl vibes.

There's not much of a story but there is comedy. Some recurring jokes, some adult ones, some stupid. It's silly comedy.

Battle mechanics aren't great but it's got interesting ideas like having 3 mana bars for 3 different types of skills, and having each character level up at a different pace for each of them.

This is a port from the original PC-98 version from 1992 (or rather, a port from the PC Engine port). And from what little I've played that one, the game got a little butchered when ported.

For example in the SFC version you can look at your full body sprite when equipping an armor... but the in-game sprites never change so it's a mostly useless feature. While in the original you actually get to see your overworld/battle sprites changed as well. Real bummer. The graphics in general are more detailed in the original, which is crazy because it's a less powerful system. Same goes for the music, lower quality but better sounding, in my opinion at least.

Only this version has been translated unfortunately. But I still recommend playing it if you like 90s animes or magical girls, and want some light hearted fun with a sprinkle of adult jokes.

Oh and if you enjoy this game don't forget to watch the anime OVA based on it :)

I'm kicking my childhood self for getting filtered by this game back in 2000. This game just oozes charm and is beautiful to look at. The music is insane and top notch. I loved the progression system. Probably one of the top 5 Fromsoft games I have played. The final image you see at the end made me emotional for some reason I can't quite place. I beat the game once and then the next day I was like damn I need to beat this again and get every item so I did.

this game always have a special place in my heart too, i used to play it w my ex for hours its funny cs even tho the person is already disappear from ur life but the memories is stuck there..funny huh...

Any girl over the age of 12 playing this is probably a nazi

2024 is the yeat of wachenroder

This review contains spoilers

Honestly, one of the most misrepresented games I have played. So many people seem to write it off as a perverted game which is wrong. I have platinumed the game which involved beating over 100+ side quests and finishing every single route and there isn't a single time the game forces you to do something perverted so if you complain that this game is too perverted then you are just exposing yourself. The game offers no rewards or incentives to do creepy perverted things and it is 100% optional.

I also assume many people who hate on this game don't actually understand Japanese in the slightest because nobody I have seen outside the Japanese fans seems to acknowledge the existence of any of the characters or quests. This is a genuinely funny game with some funny quests and some of the routes are pretty good. My personal favorite routes are Ranko's, Megu's and Yayoi's routes. Ranko's route made me tear up a bit. Yayoi's route might be the least romantic out of the bunch, but I love it because it deals with urban legends and myths regarding the island so it's one of my favorites because of that. I pretty much like all the routes though, except the Chairman's route. Fuck the Chairman's annoying route.

I have a very strange taste in games and this game just scratches a certain itch that I have that no other game can. I really wish they made more games like this.

This game promises to bring the frustrations of the real world into an RPG and empowers you to overcome them.

It does so with systems of inconvenience, something the developer explored better in a previous title “Decay”.

You can be randomly mailed a pipe bomb, some enemies stalk you and try to kill you after one conversation with them,

This is the strength of the gameplay but often feels like an afterthought

Speaking of afterthought let's talk about the writing.
The writing in this feels less than uninspired, This feels like less than a rough draft It feels like the outline of a story.
Moments where dialogue could be written to characterize the party are written with the most dry unimaginative prose.
The entire thing lacks any sense of drama, There is no sense of building tension or any sort of progression really.

Some things are written Maybe as jokes but are delivered as if it's a complaint about something that it doesn't feel as though it's dry humor or anything like that.
For example the warehouse (definitely not Amazon) somehow outsources its work?
This is a functional impossibility so you want to assume that it's a joke, but everything around it reads as if it's serious.

And what is the grand solution to this problem? diving into delusion of consumer media.
Engaging in RPG combat and becoming a adventurer, pretending to be Chainsawman when you fight, And as always most importantly being angry and annoyed by everything that inconveniences you ever.

The marketing title should be “KILL YOUR LANDLORD”

Even the delivery of Ramona not liking talking to her mom is done so ham-fistedly that it's just immediately telling you everything about it.
There's no drama, there's no tension, no build up.

It might as well have been a text box that pops up and says “Ramona doesn't like talking to her mother because she's transphobic to her”.

The last thing about writing is all of the conflict and the entire point of this just seems to be to complain about things.
From anime nerd culture (But I'm definitely not one of those guys trust me), to NFTs, Crappy Landlords, trans-phobic mothers, and sucky jobs.

After 10 Updates the gameplay remains largely the same.
An exploit I used to make the game more bearable (Saving before every encounter) has been patched out since it could cause a potential softlock.

If you like RPGs with combat scenarios which make you consider your party composition, careful planning and meaningful progression, then look elsewhere.
It appears, to dissuade grinding, that the normal encounters scale to your level, making them MORE difficult than boss encounters.

Whether you win an encounter or not is largely up to RNG, I assume this is to add to the systems of inconvenience, which themselves put you at a disadvantage, how does losing 50 Max HP randomly because you wanted to save before you faced a boss?
In which you need to leave the dungeon and make your way back to your apartment and then to get back to the boss, travel through the dungeon again.
You can just use your phone to call an uber to get teleported to the apartment instantly but that costs money and there are situations that make it so you cannot use your apartment regardless, such as when the gramophone blocks it as a result of not completing it’s quest making it so that you are unable to save as well as unable to make your characters “rested”
The Artificial difficulty of someone who misunderstood what made Drakengard great, making their game “bad on purpose” because that’s the “art” of it.
This is my charitable read of it.
What we end up with is a game that is tedious, the gameplay loop doesn’t properly revolve around the systems unlike Decay as I mentioned earlier. So it feels needlessly tacked onto a game that just talks at you from the developer’s mouth.

I may attempt to see the other content the game has to offer, but from what I have so far it doesn’t inspire much confidence about anything being of quality.

(Since the posting of my last review the developer had claimed the entire thing was in bad faith, posted publicly to his followers complaining about the review several times and then acted on the criticism and advice I gave, as well as adding me to the credits? the original review will be posted below.)

5 lists liked by jankg