Big Star Wars fan since the mid-90's here, when the re-releases were just around the corner, my parents rented the OG movies for me and I was about to experience the masterpiece that is Shadows Of The Empire on N64. Lego fan as well (90's kid, duh), but in terms of Lego video games the only other one I've played is Lego Marvel Superheroes, which I really adored. The open-world NYC on top of a metric fuckton of heroes and villains to play as (every X-Men and X-Men villain was a massive plus for me), it was just a fun and easy going beat-em-up/platformer/puzzler/collectathon.

I knew I was going to enjoy this based on all of the above, and the idea of playing through every main Star Wars film sounded insane to me. AND you could play as a bajillion characters and ships? AND every planet is explorable and contains dozens and dozens of side quests and things to collect? How does this game even exist? I'll tell you how, with a disgusting amount of crunch from all of the developers involved, so much that some had full blown mental health crises and suffered damages to their wellbeing. All for a cute and funny little Star Wars game. It really makes you feel fucked up the more you think about it... no job is worth that amount of anguish, especially for something as silly as a video game, and it's something we really take for granted every time we boot up any game nowadays.

But I want to sing my praises for the devs, because their hard work, despite it never being worth the amount of anguish they went through, has paid off immensely for paying customers and fans of Star Wars. This game is massive, a ton of fun, funny as hell, and so faithful and respectful for Star Wars as a whole. If you know these movies like the back of your hand, love them, or even hate some of them, you can't help but appreciate how well they adapt the plotlines, set pieces, dialogue, and even emotional beats of these movies. It even pokes fun at them in a loving way; sad moments are played for laughs, and they double down on riffing on some very popular moments that have been referenced to hell and back. The prequels and Disney sequels get the most parodying here, with those being the most torn-to-bits-by-the-internet of the whole series. There were so many times the jokes are just smile-worthy, but a huge handful had me actually laugh. It reminds me of Airplane!/The Naked Gun style humor, with visual gags in the background or silly slapstick moments, as well as groan-worthy puns and dialogue that is still humorous as hell. When Rey hears all of the Jedi voices encouraging her during the climatic battle in Rise Of Skywalker and you hear Anakin bluntly say "I don't like sand", despite it being meme'ed to death it still got a legit chuckle out of me.

The game is not hard in the slightest, but the lightsaber/shooting is still fun for how simplistic it is. Same with the ships, they feel great and it's all accessible and easy for fans of any age. There is so much to do and see, that 100%'ing this game feels almost impossible, but it's there if you want to. I completed every movie and dabbled in exploring and collecting tons of stuff on every planet to get more of a full picture/experience, but I don't think I'll ever go as far as completing it all, because life is too short and there are too many other games/movies/life in general to enjoy. But if you want to, it's all there, and that's great if you just love Star Wars and don't play many other games and want to soak in it all for hours and hours.

There are countless Star Wars games that I love more than this but it also is kinda one of the best I've ever played, just for accuracy/attention to detail/the amount of love here. I wouldn't doubt it if the developers have been soured on Star Wars for life after they were done with this, but I really applaud them for their work, and wish it didn't have to happen the way it did.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
