Rebirth fails to clear the lofty narrative bar Remake set for itself, settling instead for walking back every interesting piece of setup from the previous game. It fails to accurately represent the characters, reducing most of them to Flanderized shells. It fails to provide an interesting open world, settling for rote checklist work that drags and drags. Aside from the finely tuned combat and inventive music, this game is an utter failure on nearly every imaginable front. At this point, we’re confident in saying we won’t be back for Reunion or whatever the fuck they end up calling it.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024


21 days ago


21 days ago

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21 days ago

Beyond the fact that this sounds like a 2/10 review instead of a 1/10 (forgive me for splitting that hair), I wonder what narrative bar you thought Remake set and what you thought Rebirth walked back on. Seems to me they amplified (meaning walked forward with) exactly what they set up, for better or worse.
Additionally, the open world is hardly rote when nearly every new area presents a completely different mini-game with unique (i.e. fresh) and fairly deep mechanics. Those Protorelic quests even offer a side storyline that is in equal parts entertaining and intriguing with its worldbuilding and returning and new characters. Although, seeing how you think even the main characters are flanderized, I expect this to simply be an "agree to disagree" point, coming down to simple taste.
Even though I can easily concede that some of the other activities (Lifesprings, Divine Intel, etc.) should have been toned down, they give rather tangible rewards, and the combat missions just accentuate the combat's deep mechanics by requiring you to adapt to old enemies with new strengths, plus extra completion conditions that encourage you to optimize your play.
And you thought nothing of the impressive art direction, animation, and cinematography?

Lastly, I'm legitimately curious, who is "we"?