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Holy mother of crude. We got ourselves a launch-month title, so this game is super rough and experimental in a lot of ways. However, that same experimental roughness is kinda what makes this game particularly charming, since there really aren't a lot of PS1 games like this. It feels a lot like a 3DO game in a lot of ways, and I love 3DO games so I think thats a vibe. The controls are solid and take some getting used to, the characters are unbalanced as hell (don't pick penguin bros, DON'T DO IT), and the tracks, while extremely cool looking thematically, have some really REALLY questionable design choices, like random bumps and holes in the second track, tunnels that appear to lead somewhere but actually are walls, and passageways that aren't clearly laid out that could make you accidentally go backwards. It feels like the designers for the tracks were more interested in what they could do vs what they should do, and just did what they felt was interesting. Which again, makes for an incredibly vibing game, but not really the most practical racer. I still think that its worth checking out though. The people that made this game went on to make more playstation racing games that sold decently. Gran Turismo, I think it was called? Definitely a solid title that showcases the excitement around 3D a lot of devs had with the PS1 in its early life. Just dont pick penguin bros worst mistake of my LIFE