well. I see what they were trying to do with this kind of game, and the fact that they got a pretty decent physics engine in the mid-90s is actually pretty dope, but playing this game is just all kinds of difficult and frustrating, and not really in the good kinds of ways. the tournament mode has all races be 4 laps, making each event roughly 7-10 minutes, which can be exhausting, and the weird physics and rubber banding AI make it one of those racing games where only the last 30 seconds of any race is what actually matters, which is pretty frustrating given how long the events actually are. I felt like i was wasting time with the first 80% of the race, which is never really something that video games should do imo. If you ignore the single player content, don't have any goals in mind, or have a friend, then this game is good fun to dick around in and i'd reccomend it for that aspect, but as a solo mans experience for someone who wants to finish games, it is a trial in frustration.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

Perfect review, my thoughts exactly