Stray 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 24, 2022

Platforms Played


Is this the first game I've ever played on day (or day after) release?
I think it is. Made possible by PS Plus Premium (Extra Prime Deluxe) which is my first experience of the new service. I'm on board!
On to Stray. Playing a cat is all about the fidelity of the movement, mannerisms and to an extent pure "vibe". It's a solid bedrock for the game and makes walking around (essentially the central gameplay loop) into an immersive experience. 'Walking around' is unfair really becuase the game does capture our essential understanding of what a cat's life is life: 'exploring' and 'running away from things' with the occasional side quests of 'making people fall in love with you' and 'sleeping'. The only missing one here is 'chasing things' or 'stalking things'. Would have loved to chase a little drone over some rooftops but that's just me.
It's paced well and the right length. A schwifty set-up leads into hub town followed by chase sequence to the next hub town. Rinse and repeat. I've seen people talk about getting lost but I found the hub areas small enough that you got your bearings after enough exploring.
Story-wise it's a winner for me. Fresh off Outer Wilds I was still jazzed about the lost civilization narrative. Something resonates about a society trapped (both physically and emotionally) by the decisions of its ancestors. Attack on Titan, Horizon, Knights of Sidonia all riff on similar themes of legacy and survival.
Visually the world they create is rich. The neon cityscape and its robot inhabitants seem to take inspiration from Simon Stalenhag (particularly his Hector character). I love the concept of robots with clothes. One sidequest has you get a jumper for a chilly programmer. You get the sense these robots absorbed the neurotic foibles of their human creators into their chipsets.
The music complements all this perfectly, especially in the more high pace chase sequences. It swells and recedes like the Portal music with the action on screen.
More than anything we feel a connection with our cat PC. A personality is imprinted on him much like a real pet. If that's not testament to a job well one then what is....

TLDR: I was a cat. It was awesome.