Log Status






Time Played

4h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 12, 2024

Platforms Played


First Fight Night game I played and it's really good. The Champion Mode is actually really fun, it feels like a classic boxing movie.

The controls can be tricky as the game is very technical(I still don't get how blocking works tbh), but they are very snappy and feel very good. All the punches feel believable, especially for a 2011 game.

Last fight on Champion Mode felt like literal hell, super hard and unfair. Frost's punches felt like cannons any time they connected, didn't really have any fun in this particular fight, I feel like it was not well balanced.

Overall, a pretty fun game and playing with friends must be really good as the fights go on for quite a long time and can be decided in a single punch.