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Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0

Apr 18

Persona 3 Reload
Persona 3 Reload

Apr 09

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A soap opera of Shakespearean dramatic scale and emotion, a business drama, a takedown of capitalism, a rhythm game, another rhythm game, a kart racer, an absurdist comedy, a management sim, a Japan in the 80s tourism's everything and it does all of it well and with so much love, only held back by some clunky controls and collision, at times frustrating balancing (why are guns), and Kiryu's chapters being significantly less interesting than Majima's.

Some games that were revolutionary and ahead of their time upon release then become entirely superseded by either their own follow-ups, or other releases in the genre, as developers continue to iterate on what they brought to the table in the coming years and decades, and then become largely interesting from a historical perspective, or from personal nostalgia.

Persona 3 is one of those games. And I lack the personal nostalgia for it. The choice to create a largely straightforward remake, without doing much to expand on the world and mechanics of the original game, primarily adding a new coat of paint and some quality of life features unfortunately makes these things utterly obvious.

I enjoyed my time with this game in the way I'll enjoy any time with the extremely solid core gameplay loop of modern Persona games, which this one absolutely invented, but I also found it to be a chore more often than fun, particularly toward the latter half, when endless Tartarus floors throw the 6th or 7th recolour of the same handful enemies at you, and your evenings are devoid of anything interesting to do since you maxed your social stats and finished the few night social links a long time ago.

Unfortunately, the writing did not keep me entertained enough to distract from the gameplay getting rather stale. I found it very underwhelming, most of the major emotional beats unearned, and reliant on some very tired tropes without doing much of interest with them.