Loggin' them demos

Starting from 2023-ish~
My feelings might have changed since I started the full game, but...

Seemed heartfelt and sweet. But I met with multiple bugs that were way too discouraging. Hopefully they aren't present in the full version.

March 2024
Very gameplay heavy, but seems cool. I'll probably check it out eventually.

February 2024
Fun little chat sim. Definitely will be checking this out when it releases.

February 2024
This seems supremely neat, but also dense. I think it's going to require more focus than I'm ready to give it. Definitely something to add to my backlog!

January 2024
Watched the game's dev playing the demo in a stream. Seems like a painful but valuable story to experience, and the sort of game I want to support.

January 2024
Will check the full game out eventually, but after playing the demo, I'm no longer excited about it, sadly. The tone is somewhat different from that of the original DS game, and I'm a little bitter about it haha. Also why do we need to watch Ashley's ass?

January 2024
Definitely interested in checking it out. : ) Has very warm vibes. I like how relatable and realistic the lead character's thoughts are, and I feel like perhaps I could learn something or benefit from playing this.
I would like to move to Fernweh...

January 2024
Definitely a day 1 purchase. Cute pet sim, married with a narrative game.

December 2023
Undecided. The combat isn't really my thing, and although the character art is fucking gorgeous to me, the characters are pretty sexualized and objectified. Eh. I enjoy seeing the characters interact!

October 2023
Pre-purchased. Love the art style, music, and the vibe. And Momotose, I really need more Momotose. 🙏

October 2023
Planning on buying it. Really cool premise, although it's hard for me to imagine where the game will go from the end of the demo.

September 2023
Didn't care much for it. Portrayal of female characters was mostly within a range of boring to offensive. Almost did it for Doleful.

March? 2023
Bought it! Since the demo content is inferior to the beginning of the full game, I wish I had restarted rather than carrying my data over. Didn't know at the time that time passes more quickly in the demo version...

January 2023


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