90 reviews liked by kaguyakalon

Holy shit I was not expecting to have that much fun with this. Nightmare Kart is what happens when someone with too much autism plays a 24 hour marathon of Mario Kart and Bloodborne (or judging by the style this game is going for, Nightmare Creatures). It's a gothic horror hack and slash on wheels, with plenty of grotesque characters to see.

Now when I heard "Bloodborne as a 90's kart racer", I thought "That's probably gonna be fun for 5 minutes, not that great as an actual racer." Nightmare Kart looked at past me with spite, and proceeded to be an amazing and fun as fuck kart racer. The items are simple, yet enjoyable, and the track design is imaginative and fun. Although some mechanics that confused me were the difference between drifting and power braking (although that may just be me being an idiot), and tricks (which you have to do in the air, not while your jumping off a ramp, thanks Mario Kart muscle memory).

Oh, by the way, did you know this game has a story? I haven't seen a kart racer with a story in a long while. You play as the Hunter, racing through gothic streets, spooky forests, and Clock Tower-ass clock towers, all in search for the origin of the Nightmare you're all trapped in. It even has boss fights! Fun boss fights at that! I think Nicholas may be up there as one of my favorite bosses in a video game (he's just so much fun)!

All and all, this game was treat. I loved every second of it, and I might even go back to 100% it.




And the Great Hero Shooter drop of 2024 begins

This film remains the greatest shitpost in modern film memory

I would rather play Amibo Festival

A good start but I think the sequel can explore more complex mental health issues: heroin addiction, the dissolution of the USSR, killing a spouse and repressing the memory, etc.
The possibilities are truly endless