9 reviews liked by katana1

such a good game def recomend

Going in blind really helped with the experience. The dialogue was quirky, the world nice and colourful, and the general gameplay a lot of fun. As you progress the areas to get worse and the formula starts to show its blandness. I wish there were more guns too. Was a fun little sesh for a couple nights but nothing to remember.

A much, much better game than the original Star Fox, but with some personal gripes that still make it difficult for me to get into. I don't know if I can get used to this camera angle, for one. The airwing takes up a decent chunk of screen space, and obscures things that are directly in front of you. This makes it so enemy shots can hit you without you even being able to see and react to them, it's pretty frustrating whenever it happens. I'm also not a big fan of the highest-difficulty route. I mean, I get it, it's a short game and practicing it is part of the point. But man, if I have to go through that submarine level every single time, then I'd rather just not do it at all, that thing is slow as hell, and the rest of the route is too overwhelming for me to spend time mastering.

Despite this, I still appreciate Star Fox 64 for its variety of stages and the open-ended route-based progression. The voice acting is also a big standout. It's technically impressive for the minimal amount of space the N64 cartridge had to work with, but more importantly, it's also just really surprisingly competent for its time. Not to mention, that every 2nd line is iconic, and sticks in your memory hard. It's a lot of 90's cheese, combined with a lot of earnest and effortless charm that really makes this game stand out from pretty much every other Star Fox release.

I just wish that I was able to get into the gameplay more than I'm capable of. Eh, maybe I'll give it another shot sometime. Despite my middling feelings on the difficulty & camera stuff, I can't deny that every few years or so, I just can't stay away from this game.

this game is for people who edit anime girls smoking cigs and self harming onto pictures of messy rooms and genuinely wish they were real / think the girl is like them fr
i remember as a kid online , before even knowing what a visual novel was, id see people talk about the most disturbing anime thing ever this game called saya no uta and i was scared of it bc it had gore in it. the image of saya and her weird flesh wings burned into my mind. than i found out it had a bunch of horrible shit in it and never thought about it again untill i got into vns and saw so many people praising it. My mistake. Don't read it, a wretched waste of time.

It probably takes on the theme of the Assassins best, and for that I especially appreciate it. And the gameplay was groundbreaking for its time and is still fun. I feel like I'm the only fan of this entry in the world, but it's not a problem for me.

Amazing game, the story is very touching. When I played at the first time it was a bit boring for me in the first chapter and didnt play for a week or something but then I continued and it was really interesting. My screen time was long. P.S. I cried playing this game. Arthur for life