pf chicas o mellor xogo coop da historia

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the story felt just a little bit boring at times. it felt very rushed too, specially the final stages. we never get to really know why byleth is the enlightened one, the hint to a possible family relationship between byleth and rhea that they never really mention again, we never get to see rhea after she gets liberated... idk maybe it was me not paying attention but i found that most of the main character's backstory points that were hinted were never explored (why are they chosen, their mother's identity, why did they never smile until joining the monastery...) and i wish we would've got a more insightful background on them.
it got quite difficult to sit down and play sometimes as i felt i was going nowhere. the maps, THE MAPS i can't stress this enough they all felt soooo repetitive i ended up refusing to fight every month because it was always the same challenge.
apart from that i really liked the characters and gameplay. also loved the exploring the monastery feature which added so many gaming and bonding options and made the gameplay and story much richer.
in the end i found the final battle worth the past 5 battles which i thought were quite easy and bland, so yeah, if you liked past fire emblem games, this is totally worth it.

still bitter about the game not letting me romance dimitri bc i was male byleth but they gave me that handholding cutscene which was 100 times gayer so i guess i'll give it to them (i played the blue lions storyline)