honestly very underrated. very fun coming up with games and stuff to play with friends. haven't touched the survival yet lmao

it's like really fun. played this for like 200 rounds straight once. where is the competitive scene for this game

pretty memorable indie game. never completed it but i had fun with it while i played it. might complete someday

i remember seeing my neighbor play this and then begging my mom to get this for like a week. good times

i have mixed feelings. i thought the game was decent but i never want to think of it again


it was pretty fun building random stuff with friends

i unapologetically think this game is boring

you have to be in a certain mood to play this but it's pretty relaxing sometimes

do not play this game for like 30 hours in the span of like 2 weeks. you will get tired of it and never want to touch it again. fun with mods

pretty unique game. lots of fun if with the right people

m-m-m-m-mid. only kinda interesting game here is the murder one and that was a pretty big letdown too.

the game was decent before the birthday party level. the birthday party level was just awful. it's pretty fun with friends