queria jogar o resto de ace attorney

This review was written before the game released

imagine a silent hill game with 10 minutes of non stop expository and redundant dialogue for every single interaction

Honestly curious to see what route of anti intellectualism and "appeal to the past" Pokémon fans will use to defend this rushed, shallow, soulless and unfinished piece of code, only because of the franchise attached to it.

Wonder if they will ever realize this is just degrading video game status as an art, since they reduce the bar so low, it becomes a mere product.

Fun Fact: for every 3 Japanese porn games, 2 include rape in it, why is everyone shocked by this one? Like I understand hentai not being your thing, or if you find fetish's like this disgusting, fair enough even, but you saw an article or Youtube video saying this game was "controversial", then proceeded to play a fucking hentai game with RAPE on the title and then got shocked by the content inside it, not even knowing it was pretty common thing in the genre. What are you, a fucking sheep with no brain?

People who think sending death threats and telling people to kill themselves is peak comedy be like: man this Reddit game is so cringe...


Why does every negative review of this game make it sound like all rhythm games are intrinsically bad?

protip: nineball is ultra easy if you use a full AP (defense) build and the missile back arm you gain from the arena, I discovered this by accident, just entered the level with this build as a meme and defeated him first try.

why was everyone shitting on Forspoken solely based on it's cringe MCU writing style when this gets universally praised while looking even more like a Marvel movie dialogue wise

There's like, 2 engaging and actually well thought out puzzles in this entire game. There are other 5 which are difficult because "hey did you know this super ridiculous scenario which we purposely offuscated from you can happen??", and the rest is so easy even a 5 year old would have no problem solving.

Why are most indie puzzle games so fucking pointless jesus fucking christ.

there ins't a single brazilian song in this samba game

You know when people online say a game is "nintendo-ish" to emphasize how bland and uninspired it is? I don't really like what this implies, cause Nintendo is more than just Mario Bros, developers of all kinds have tapped their IPs by this point, and their primary studios can be very creative and subversive when they want. I think a better way to put it would be to say a game is "artoon/arzest-ish", cause dear fucking lord.

The definitive way to play Sonic CD IF you're using an old version, not even because of Knuckles, cause I don't care about him, but because of the forced Time Travel Overhaul mod, it sucks, makes the stages way too easy, discourages studying the map to find loops or optimal routes for time travel, making the playground design pointless, and is bugged af, the GB page even mentions a softlock going to the future in Metallic Madness 2, but I found by accident one in Wacky Workbench 1 with all time changes, there is possibly a ton more of these.

I guess it's better if you're speedrunning since it focus a lot on that, but the fact that there was an option to remove this and it was cut for no reason boggles my mind, definitely pick a version where you can turn this off if you're able to.