Quantum Break deserves a round of applause for pushing the boundaries of video game storytelling with its top-tier writing and live-action segments. Aidan Gillen delivers a fantastic performance as the tech villain, really anchoring the game's tone. I have to say I actually enjoyed the TV show aspect a lot; it added more depth to the otherwise short story and turned out to be a creative decision that truly paid off. It's rare to see an AAA title that doesn't conform to the usual formulas, but it takes a fresh approach by pulling in well-known actors and focusing heavily on narrative development as the game progresses. That said, my only gripe is that the choices you make as Serene don't actually affect the story as much as the game alludes to. I also really enjoyed Beth Wilder's character and hope we get to see more of her if there's ever a sequel!

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
