Signalis 2022

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Time Played

14h 58m

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Signalis is a very good game, really close to being an excellent game if not for a few minor issues. This game gets so many things right: graphics and sound design build an unsettling atmosphere, environmental storytelling helps to flesh out a strange but convincing world and the depth of the main story is of quality rarely seen in video games.

As for the issues:
- I feel that the game is leaning a bit too much into the narrative sometimes, leaving behind tha actual gameplay. Even though the story is interesting and told very well, combat, fetch quests and puzzles can be quite simple and don't evolve much throughout the game
- There are some problems with hitboxes, where some doors would not open when approached directly and only open when approached at a certain angle; and objects being hard to pick up because their selection outline disappears occasionally
- Controls can feel a bit janky and unresponsive at times

None of these issues are game-breaking, however, and can be easily overlooked in light of how good this game is.

I highly recommend Signalis, especially for its sense of discovery and solid storytelling.