4 reviews liked by knifefemme

I simply can't with the flying, I'm sorry!

Good game but it would be better if it was about two happily married gay dudes and some asshole magic book that just decided to fuck with them for no reason

Excellent, creative game play unfortunately hampered by characters I'm not rooting for, and a narrative that keeps telling me this couple should stay together without doing anything to show me that they shouldn't get divorced. Would also benefit from being a couple of hours shorter as it starts to drag a bit at the end.

I decided to check this out after seeing CD Projekt Red had done a soft re-release of the game, and included a free 5 hour trial, and this was an incredibly pleasant surprise. Considering the disastrous initial launch, and the way in which the game was marketed towards a more unpleasant subset of gamers, my expectations were absolute zero.

What I got instead was an incredibly compelling, well written story about ghosts, mortality, and humanity. I think during the trainwreck leading up to and including the launch of the game, we all forgot that CD Projekt Red has a damn good writing team, and now that the game is in a playable state I'm really glad I got to experience it. The main story is thematically compelling, the character writing is excellent, and the romantic storylines are some of my favourite that I've ever seen in a game.

I get why people would want to write the game off even now. The initial launch is the worst of any game I can remember, and the marketing really did not sell the strengths of the game. But I hope people do go back and see the game for what it really is; a well told, interesting story, with an excellent cast of characters, and themes that will stick with me for a long time.