76 Reviews liked by koffi_duck

Oh. That's crack. That's cocaine crack drugs on the Steam top sellers list.

1) Buy me
2) Juice me
3) Squeeze me
4) Freeze me
5) Roll me
6) Sell me
7) Pill me
9) Pay out the believers

Lost my uninterrupted 8 hour save because i started wiring the car with the battery connected, oh well...

god I want Wario to appear in my dark hallway at 3am


Better character creation than baldurs gate 3

I played this game in Yakuza 0 and the music was great thank you Yakuza

I'll never forgive the French.

games fun but i gotta dock a point because the sonic the hedgehog lookin catgirl has next to no porn

This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression

Do it for the picture puzzle. Put it all together. One conversation at a time.

La primera vez que lo ví dije " what the heeeeeeelll omagad no wayayay" después una tal daku modifico el juego y puso que Goku decía "Hola daku " desde entonces es mi juego favorito

It's hard to make the jump when you have a boner with a capital O