19 Reviews liked by komatsubeta1234

Hacía años que no lo jugaba y lo recordaba como el inferior de la trilogía, pero lo rejugué recientemente y quedé sorprendido

It was pretty okay (save for Heat Man's stage), until I got to Dr. Wily's stages...

It's a little better than the first game, but not by much.

The transformations were an interesting concept, the music is nice and the graphics are really great for a Game Boy Color game. But the lack of a map, some design choices (specially in the last labyrinth) and how tedious it is to travel from one place to another kinda ruined the game for me.
It's still okay, and I hope the sequel is better.

Scénario excellent avec un message très émouvant, le gameplay est fun et le protag a un character development géant. Niveau persos la plupart d'entre eux sont géniaux, SPÉCIALEMENT GUY ET NATALIA MES PREFS mais bon sang je déteste Anis elle est chiante... L'OST est magnifique aussi. C'est l'un des meilleurs jeux Tales Of