Played only an hour or so of the campaign, and then a whole lot of online multiplayer, which was fun.

Fun, aside from the stealth sections.

Amazing, with stellar, very challenging levels at the very end. Loved it!

Neat combat system, and interesting story. A good time, overall.

Very fun, but fairly obnoxious puzzles; the speed-based ones in particular are super annoying.

Fun, but can be just as frustrating as some of the original NES games that are remixed.

More Uncharted; same cinematic storyline with mechanics that make it seem a bit silly. Fun, overall.

Fun, cinematic game, but the combat mechanics make the storyline a bit silly, and the puzzles are fairly simple. A good Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider remix.

A Touch controller demo, and little more. Meh.

A fun game, but would be unremarkable without the VR aspect.

Old reliable; a nice distraction, but nothing revolutionary.

The MMO equivalent of comfort food.

Fun, but max level was still a pointless grind.