it was everything I wanted and more

it's a great game, you guys are just mean

completely useless without mods (and all the expansion packs)

it has unfortunately yet to be beaten by any other Sims game....

yeah, it's no original Mass Effect but it's not as bad as so many people claim it to be

still my favorite DA game with probably my favorite Bioware protagonist

The IT factor is in Eivor and Kassandra's interactions which were admittedly fun - other than that, it's forgettable.

I may have liked it more if I came in with different expectations but claiming this game was returning to the classic AC roots was a completely lie. On top of that, it was just not very memorable. 2.5 stars only for Basim because I did enjoy seeing his backstory.

Say what you will about the new direction the franchise took, but to this day, Origins remains my absolute favorite AC game.