an interesting puzzle game with a unique artsyle and likable main-character . the 9 different demons and singular angel offer a variety of characters , each of them having a personal level of certain difficulty . it has a fun and challenging final boss , yet the game is just short enough to beat in 15 minutes to an hour . while i wouldnt go as far as to say its a game that you MUST check out , I believe it's a game that's a fun change of pace .

therapy session was very fun , I enjoyed that feature.

detailed deception of mental illness

cry of fear is a rollercoaster of different emotions . the eerie , kafkaesque world that takes place in Simon's mind mind and the several medication named enemies all hint towards Simon's battle with depression and the affects of it on his mind . with several engines to come to , the game offers suspenseful and genuine scary endings . the exploration is fun , art style is interesting , and the audio queues emphasize the lonely European city we are left to explore . I recommend watching a lore breakdown after beating for clarity .

very fun , open game with a lot of content to explore . interesting characters with complex interactions and motivations .