Just finished playing this game and if it weren’t for Titanfall 2 this would be my favourite game of all time. This game is terrifying, has an amazing story, great characters, and amazing mechanics and gameplay

While I do wish there was a bit more of Chris, because to me that’s what made Outlast Outlast, this DLC is just as creepy as the base game with some solid replacement antagonists

This game is just too fun to not keep coming back to

While I don’t really have any gripes about the game itself, my main criticism is of the playerbase. At least half the games I play as killer I run into either: sweaty SWFs, toxic flashlight clickers, or teabagging bodyblockers. Also I have had countless message from people after games telling me to kill myself because I was tunnelling or camping, which I have never done either of. So while the game itself it’s good, half the playerbase isn’t (the other half make the game fun though)

Pretty obvious that The Callisto Protocol was heavily inspired by this, and while that game is great this is absolutely amazing, almost on par with Outlast as my favourite horror game

It ain’t the first game, but it sure as hell was a scary as the first game

I pretty much liked this just as much as the first game, the only complaint is that some sections are a bit too unforgivingly difficult

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It wasn’t as bad as people said it was, but it still wasn’t good. I hate how they got rid of the store and replaced it with a crafting system. Instead of saving up my credits to buy the next suit, I now have to wait till a certain chapter to unlock it at the suit kiosk. And with the crafting, I was saving up the whole game for the Disembowler since I loved the Ripper from the first two games, and even when constantly deploying scavenger bots, i still couldn’t get it. And even for those who were saving their resources for a better gun, I guarantee if they got it they only got to use it for the last couple chapters, if that. The story is also pretty trash, since there’s literally some elementary school jealousy love triangle going on the first 10 chapters of the game. It’s just so out of place because this game isnt all sunshine and rainbows, it’s a game about space zombies with sharp bones sticking out their hands killing people. Like Norton full on locks Isaac in a cage and later tries to kill him even after Isaac saved his life from the Walmart Hivemind all because Isaac still loves Ellie. I will say the bosses are pretty cool, even the Walmart Hivemind. They don’t drag out to long. I was going to complement this game for its drill boss fight until I remember there was a game that did the drill boss fight first and a game that the drill boss fight better (Skylanders Giants). I also hate how this game uses the same kind of ammo for every weapon, like name one good game that has ever done that. Also some main characters deaths would not have happened if they had any common sense, like for Santos. She complains how she hated being on the elevator, and then when she gets to the top and the giant enemy spider attacks it, she just stands there crying and doesn’t even try to jump off. Also Buckle, the only good character for the first half of the game, dies first, which infuriates me. I will say the main human antagonist is probably my favourite of all the human antagonists of the series, since these Marker worshippers were hinted at in Dead Space 2, but you could have killed him several times throughout the game. Also some characters change their minds really quickly. Like after you kill Norton, Ellie hates you for a whole chapter for killing her boyfriend even though Norton was going to kill you and led the Marker worshippers to you, but then she likes you again randomly after a while with no dialogue to insinuate her change of mind. Also Carver gets better the further along you go in the game, but then at the end he randomly decides to give Danigan the Codex for Ellie even though he knows Danigan will use it to awaken the Moon and kill everyone. It’s a very out of place decision that is only used to set up the finale, especially since Carver was portrayed as someone who was willing to make sacrifices, despite being mournful after them, even leaving Ellie in a room full of fire earlier so he and Isaac could get away, even though Ellie insisted they leave her. If this game wasn’t a Dead Space game, I could maybe see it working. But it is a Dead Space game, and it is by far working.

I miss games that felt this fun to play with the simplest things

One of my favourite shooters and I greatly appreciate how this basically started cover-based shooters

Did what a sequels should do, expands on the original with more great and initiative gameplay while adding to the story and action. This is my new favourite game of all time

An absolutely amazing conclusion to probably the best trilogy of games I’ve ever played


The main problem I have with this game is I think that it is trying to be too many things. The amount of variables you need to consider to stay alive make it almost impossible early game, especially since all the buildings I found were looted and as well as the zombies there are sweaty try hard players with really good guns running around the problematically large map killing everyone. The size of the map wouldn’t be a problem if there was some sort of minimap you could access from when you spawn in. I was playing with 2 other friends on the same server for an hour and a half and we could never find each other. None of us could survive any longer than 25 minutes and the only weapons we were able to get were knifes, cleavers, and sticks, and even then we kept dying or being killed mere moments after finding them. However I can see that it is possible to get good and I wouldn’t say that we didn’t have fun playing it, so maybe we were just bad at the game, but with the amount of bugs and glitches I encountered in such a short timespan I don’t know if being good even matters

Not as strong as the original trilogy, but this was still a pretty good sendoff for the original series by Epic Games. The Judgement campaign was great to experience as E-Day had been brought up many times before and it was great to experience it as a different squad with Baird and Cole and two pretty good new characters that are both well established. The Aftermath campaign was also a decent short and sweet playthrough with a simple objective and fun little holdout sequences. Overall a solid game

I think this game gets a bit to much hate. As someone who has played through the Halo franchise, I have seen how unfaithful developers can be to the original franchise when the original studio quits and another one comes in. Whereas this game is faithful to the original series while being its own thing. The new weapons are fun and the last few chapters are really great, as well as a lot of others, and the ending twist is one of the best I’ve seen in any game