improves on almost everything its predecessors set up, just a joy to play. although its definitely the type of sequel that replaces the previous games in my eyes

super fun and polished

i like when astro waves at you :3

beat the arcade mode on an actual machine for the first time, still my fav fighting game

wow if this is what comes out of bullying nintendo about their games being boring..... we need to keep bullying nintendo.

what a fantastic experience, it never gets boring, it's presentation is stellar. the best 2d mario since world. only thing i can say is that please make those bosses more interesting if this is the future of 2d mario. thats all this needs.

this sure is the best version of this whatever game.
peachette is cute tho :3

super addicting gameplay loop. going online with randoms just makes it so everything dies instantly which is kinda funny

so damn fun with friends and killer art + music. i love turtles i wish they were real

the gameplay only manages to not get insanely repetitive and annoying purely from the fact that: the game is the perfect length for what it sets out to do, it has fantastic sound design, and the suspense it builds. that ending wow :0

(took me a couple tries to figure out what i was doing, kept crashing into walls oopsie :3)

i like it a lot but looking back it really focuses on wrapping the series up more so than being the best game ever. still has very good controls and interesting mechanics (and dilf otacon).

ending made me cry so it did something right

the funniest possible thing that could've happened to this game is losing any award to the last of us

made me giggle quite a bit, go play if you haven't yet

fantastic, this somehow checks off like every box for me to love it.

idk what it is about the gameboy that allowed devs to get a little weird and funky but it lead to truly wonderful games like this one.

this remake is what every remake should strive to be, every inch of this is soaked in love for the original game. absolute must play

best lego game, i should probably replay it