i remember playing this on the 360 back when i was younger.
super underrated game.
if the devs had a higher budget this game would have been even greater.

this game is so nostalgic and cute
used to play this with my little brother
i miss the xbox 360 era

i fucking hate this game but idk why i play it. the menu is so slow and every game has such slow fucking internet and im playing on series x so im not blaming it on my pc. the only thing that carried this fucking game is the 85 and 84x10 sbcs
its the same thing as the last 3 fucking years id rather play fifa 14 like tf is this

The amount of fun i had finishing it and hell even replaying it was fun. The horror aspect wasnt the best of the franchise but the action and fun is what this game is all about and the controls are great, some people bitch about them but i love it honestly and the story is great and exciting.