Interesting but doesn't quite stick the landing for me.


The perfect companion piece to Emily is Away, capturing an entirely different experience from my own in a similar way.

Captures a part of my childhood perfectly.

A fun expansion of the original idea, but a bit too obvious with where it was going.

Didn't hit quite as hard as the other games for me.

I love the core concept, the implementation is deeply flawed. There is something about how the core mechanic is done which ruined a lot of the interest for me. It's not a bad game, but I want the idea done better.

Really good idea, shame it never got expanded as it seemed set up for it.

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A good game that suffers massively in comparison to Outer Wilds, which does a lot of it's ideas, but much better.

It falls into the dialogue trap, which means that you often don't get to demonstrate knowledge, but have to just have it recorded by the game, which means you can't work things out, you have to unlock them, which is less satisfying and natural feeling, and it really pulls you out when you have worked something out but can't test your theory or apply it because you need it to show up as a dialogue prompt.

Fun ideas but doesn't nail the landing.

Just a really fun, well executed puzzle game. Doesn't have a lot of narrative, but does enough besides.

Really does a great job at the "making your choices feel big", and really solid writing to make you care.

Played it super late and never really got into it, I appreciate why it's so popular, but it just didn't hook me.