Mass Effect owes so much to KOTOR, and that says a lot.

Has some big flaws, I liked it way more at the time, but looking back on it a lot less so.

Suffers by comparison now as so much of what it did has become standard, but a great game for its time.

Suffers by comparison now as so much of what it did has become standard, but a great game for its time.

Didn't manage to recapture the original's magic.

Has some real flaws but ultimately a well executed bit of melodramatic fun that I can't help but love.

Surprisingly fine for a console RTS.

Deeply flawed, but a step in the right direction for the series that unfortunately wasn't followed up on. Great ideas and excellent vibes.

Never should have gone back to the Master Chief, just a poor attempt to recapture the magic that fails.

Half a game really, but the multiplayer was thousands of hours of my childhood.

Huge for my childhood, spent a lot of hours playing it.

The cutscenes are hilariously bad, but still a good game.

A defining childhood game for me, and holds up.

Never finished it but a defining game from my childhood.