439 Reviews liked by lavabro

I will never stop singing this games praises. I want to be popular on Twitter/YouTube only so I can push the Fossil Fighters propoganda. I just replayed it again on stream earlier in 2021 and it's even better the second time.
It's not perfect but it's pretty close tbh.
This game expands on everything from the first game and just makes it better in every way.
Gameplay is sick and very deep when you experiment with team composition.
I love dinosaurs and I can name 30 off the top of my head because of this game.

The music is unnaturally good and rivals soundtracks of modern games. Listen to the Rainbow Canyon theme when you get a chance.

The worst thing about this game is that it ends.

Playing this on Hard was a mistake.

that's it, i found it, the piece of media that was made for me.

i am happy now.