If you're burnt out of shooters and still want some action, look no further than SuperHot VR.

This is my least favorite of the two DLC's for AC Odyssey. I really liked the order of the ancient's and how we got to explore parts of the map that we didn't before. The order had this way of making us be in the wrong, and even turning civilians against us. The boss fights were straightforward, but the bosses themselves were presented magnifically. The new abilities were a nice touch and better than most that came with the main game. If all of this is true, why do I prefer fate of Atlantis? First of all, I'm pretty sad that we never got to actually use the hidden blade, but Darius was a decent enough character. Like I stated earlier, the bosses felt no different from the main game except in the story department. Yet again just like the main game, this DLC has a ton of side bloat. The romance was fine but didn't need to be added or forced, especially that last scene. The missed potential in this DLC just makes me look back on it and think why ubisoft. If you're thinking of picking up the DLC's, this one isn't too bad, especially if you liked the main story. PS: Get the season pass, it comes with both DLC's and AC3 remastered.

This is among us in vr, and thats all. No new important mechanics but it’s among us in vr. If you liked among us, this is just a better version. This game is still getting updated so check in every once in a while to see the new game modes. Playing with friends makes this 10x better, as some people choose not to use the built in microphone that comes with their device and don’t vote and just sit there doing nothing. If you expected more, you’ll be disappointed

In this review, i’l be mainly taking about bowser’s fury. I think the only reason this wasn’t it’s own game was because it had to be packed in with 3d world to be seen as worth it. I like these little worlds that are all in one giant world. The method you use to travel around is one of my favorite and it controls fairly well. Also, the final boss is crazy fun and crazy weird unless you’ve actually played the game. I don’t usually talk about the story, but bowser jr. teaming up with us to take down the biggest bowser we’ve ever seen in a mario game is an insane plot. Also, just like 3d world, except a lot of cats.

This is the game every kart racer wants to be. The success of this game mainly comes down to the fact that anyone can pick up and play, and that everyone already knows who Mario is. The mechanics are simple enough for the newbies, and advanced enough for people who want some challenge. With that being said, Mario kart has always been a game of luck. The thrill of being in last then getting an overpowered item to blast to first is unmatched.

Super smash bros. Ultimate takes everything that made smash the icon of gaming that it was and expanded on it. The slogan of "everyone is here" was really true, and every single character from any smash game (along with newly released characters) were there. The DLC fighters added later on in the games life cycle were also nice to see. Who doesn't remember when steve from minecraft was announced, that's how you launch a character. The adventure mode was probably my favorite out of any smash game, but you could argue with brawl. If you asked me in the middle of my playthrough I would have said brawl. Now however, after experiencing all the mode has to offer, I'm gonna stick with ultimate. You obviously have your classic mode and home run, you know what a smash bros is. I’m not gonna sit here acting like i’m a pro, everytime I step into an online match I lose by a landslide, but I feel smash is more enjoyable with other players. I like to 1v1 my friends or play co-op to see how far we can get the sandbag in home run contest. I think thats whats smash is supposed to be about, sharing the experience with anyone else that enjoys beating up mario.

Minecraft is the game most have played, but few get too deep into it. When you have the biggest game in the world, you think they could put out better updates? Let’s not get into that now, and talk about the good stuff. My favourite part of this game is the building mechanic. I would consider myself a good builder and its fun to come up with new designs for my base or farms. Other then that, I can’t really say anything that’s already been said about Minecraft. I love this game, but it’s clearly going downhill.

GTA V is one of the most popular games ever created, and for good reason. The story is amazing, the characters are some of the most memorable in video game history. Most of the 70 missions are engaging and some can be considered some of the best missions I’ve ever played through. The heists are just dumb fun after all the setup and the reward is actually dependent on your choice of crew (Although crew doesn’t really matter if you know what you’re doing). There also a ton to do after you finish the main story, which is a blessing and a curse. With all this in mind, no wonder people are waiting 11 years for the next game. I don’t even need to tell you to buy this game because everyone and their mother has bought GTA V, just play through it if you haven’t already.

The childhood dream of being Spiderman and kicking bad guys can finally be fulfilled. You play as both of the spidermen as a new foe shows up and shakes new york. The combat is amazing, and so are the swinging mechanics. The fast travel loads in a split second and the graphics are the best a Spiderman game has ever been. I won’t go too much into the story but it doesn’t drag on and each storyline feels fleshed out. The side content is actually really good and aren’t just fetch quests that up the play time. Overall, if you consider yourself a Spiderman fan and haven’t played this game, what are you doing?

Job simulator is an almost perfect example of what a VR game should be. When you're playing, you forget about the world around you. You're in a world that is run by robots and jobs are a thing of the past. You play through various tasks that range from making a presentation to make a microwave pizza. All these tasks are engaging, even when doing the most mundane task, you are having fun. I think that's what a VR game should be, a fun experience that anyone can enjoy. Now, you still have all the VR junk that comes with every game. The game is fun, but not realistic. You have all these professions, but this game doesn't excel in any of them. Once you beat this game, you don't really have a reason to comeback. Job simulator is a great blueprint for a perfect VR game but isn't fleshed out enough to be considered one.

This is one of the few games I bought both digital and physical copies for. The 1920's art style is complemented by the hardcore difficultly is just an amazing thing to see in the modern day when all games push for the most realistic graphics possible. The first time I played this game was with a couple of my friends and we all took turns to see who could beat each other's grade on the bosses or seeing who could get all the coins on the levels. You have all these different attacking types that all suit a different play style or boss. I went out of my way to buy the physical for the DLC and the neat little cards they included. I'll review the DLC in its own right, but not right now. Overall, if you're looking for a fun challenge with a whimsical art style, Cuphead has got you

Playing with friends is great, but after like 5 rounds it starts to get stale. They had to soft reboot this game to get players back. Thats all I really need to say.

While some complained about the direction the new AC games were heading, some praised the innovation. I may not like Ubisoft as a company, but that won’t stop the fact that I could not put the controller down when playing this game. The stunning visuals and the breathtaking audio design make this already vibrant setting of ancient greece even more impressive. Whilst the combat isn’t the greatest i’ve ever seen, its certainly better then AC mirages attempt at it. Will I recommend this game to anyone today? Probably not, but I don’t look back at this game like I didn’t get anything out of it.

Arguably the best 3d Mario game of all time. The addition of these massive well designed kingdoms that have these weird and wacky bosses is a blessing for this new era of 3d Mario. Anyone who owns a switch needs this game in their collection.

Ubisoft listened to the fans and went back to the original format of these games, but did it work out? AC mirage is a mix of perfect parkour, perfect stealth, but mediocre at best combat. You work as an assassin in Baghdad to overthrow the corrupt masterminds that control the city behind the shadows. The graphics are amazing, just like every AC game before this one. Stealth in this game isn’t difficult, but its a ton of fun when you pull out the throwing knifes and watch your enemies fall one by one. If your a fan of the older assassin games, this is a great step in the right direction. Do I think it’s perfect? No, but that doesn’t change the fact that I really do enjoy this game.
After completing: I put down this game for a while after feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. I picked it up at the beginning of this month to see if I could finish it. While I still think my original review stands, I think I have some more things to add. First, please try to use all the tools to your advantage, especially in bigger fights with bigger enemies. The combat doesn’t really change apart from that, so don’t get your hopes up. I heard that if you play AC valhalla you’ll get a better understanding of the story so I’ll be playing that next, but it’s not required. There is a plot twist, but by the time it happens you already see it coming. Overall, I think this games is worth the 20 hours I put in to it, and I still have more to go.