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layorio commented on legelboy12's review of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
respectable review but this is not the best gamecube game be fr rn bro

1 day ago

3 days ago

layorio followed notesurfer

5 days ago

layorio reviewed Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
reviewing this as a first time playthrough, and not as a remake.

the thousand-year door, after i finished the original paper mario, i was very excited to see how nintendo would out-do themselves, improve upon the formula, and make a more engaging game. but they didn't, not really.

things i prefer in this game over the original: i like the dialogue for the most part, although the remake making it so you can't skip large boxes of text really weighed down the experience for me; on top of the fact a lot of the time said dialogue was being exposited, it was by someone who had very little impact on the game's narrative. but when the dialogue was delivered by a main character, usually it got a couple chuckles out of me. i also like the addition of a partner health bar, it helps in making the partner feel more involved in mario's journey.

things i prefer in the original over this game: just about everything else, i'm not sure if it's because i played the original first, or if the thousand-year door is just genuinely a slower, more tedious game, but this game felt like it re-hashed a lot of what the original paper mario did well, only it watered them down and made them longer for the sake of making them longer. they generally follow the same rough blueprint, even as far as certain chapters being direct parallels (keelhaul key and yoshi's island, excess express and shiver city), it just felt like i was playing through a game i'd already played through, and i was standing knee-deep in mud. the music was also a big let down for me, i played mostly with the nostalgic tunes badge equipped because the remake's music was quite frankly, poorly done. i didn't mind the redone OST of super mario RPG, i thought it was decent, still not as good as the original, but decent. however, this game's remade OST is just way too over-produced and messy in some areas, a lot of the instruments they chose to use in certain tracks feel like they betray the original track's intent.

my last major issue with the thousand-year door is the awful, awful level design. seriously, it's abysmal, and while nintendo clearly acknowledges this with the extra fast travel pipe thrown into chapter 4, and the warp hub underneath rogueport, this does little to actually mitigate the issue and it would require an entire rework of the game from the ground up to actually fix; it just feels like you're only moving from left to right, and occasionally finding a dungeon to explore. it's a shame too because nintendo obviously know how to make an engaging level, rogueport is a shining example of that.

it's a shame because clearly a lot of passion and cool ideas were thrown into this game, and i can sorta(?) see why it has the acclaim, and not its older brother. frankly, the story in this game takes more risks and probably stands out as more memorable. still, however, this game was a complete slog to get through and lost me in chapter 2, i'm glad i beat it nonetheless, because now i know paper mario probably just isn't a franchise for me.

not an awful game or anything, but still, a game with a lot of issues which could've been ironed out in this remake, but alas, here we are. all the power to you if you think this is a 5/5, but for me, 3/5, maybe a 3.5/5 on a great day.

6 days ago

layorio finished Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
reviewing this as a first time playthrough, and not as a remake.

the thousand-year door, after i finished the original paper mario, i was very excited to see how nintendo would out-do themselves, improve upon the formula, and make a more engaging game. but they didn't, not really.

things i prefer in this game over the original: i like the dialogue for the most part, although the remake making it so you can't skip large boxes of text really weighed down the experience for me; on top of the fact a lot of the time said dialogue was being exposited, it was by someone who had very little impact on the game's narrative. but when the dialogue was delivered by a main character, usually it got a couple chuckles out of me. i also like the addition of a partner health bar, it helps in making the partner feel more involved in mario's journey.

things i prefer in the original over this game: just about everything else, i'm not sure if it's because i played the original first, or if the thousand-year door is just genuinely a slower, more tedious game, but this game felt like it re-hashed a lot of what the original paper mario did well, only it watered them down and made them longer for the sake of making them longer. they generally follow the same rough blueprint, even as far as certain chapters being direct parallels (keelhaul key and yoshi's island, excess express and shiver city), it just felt like i was playing through a game i'd already played through, and i was standing knee-deep in mud. the music was also a big let down for me, i played mostly with the nostalgic tunes badge equipped because the remake's music was quite frankly, poorly done. i didn't mind the redone OST of super mario RPG, i thought it was decent, still not as good as the original, but decent. however, this game's remade OST is just way too over-produced and messy in some areas, a lot of the instruments they chose to use in certain tracks feel like they betray the original track's intent.

my last major issue with the thousand-year door is the awful, awful level design. seriously, it's abysmal, and while nintendo clearly acknowledges this with the extra fast travel pipe thrown into chapter 4, and the warp hub underneath rogueport, this does little to actually mitigate the issue and it would require an entire rework of the game from the ground up to actually fix; it just feels like you're only moving from left to right, and occasionally finding a dungeon to explore. it's a shame too because nintendo obviously know how to make an engaging level, rogueport is a shining example of that.

it's a shame because clearly a lot of passion and cool ideas were thrown into this game, and i can sorta(?) see why it has the acclaim, and not its older brother. frankly, the story in this game takes more risks and probably stands out as more memorable. still, however, this game was a complete slog to get through and lost me in chapter 2, i'm glad i beat it nonetheless, because now i know paper mario probably just isn't a franchise for me.

not an awful game or anything, but still, a game with a lot of issues which could've been ironed out in this remake, but alas, here we are. all the power to you if you think this is a 5/5, but for me, 3/5, maybe a 3.5/5 on a great day.

6 days ago

21 days ago

layorio reviewed Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - HD Edition

This review contains spoilers

initially, snake eater was really tiresome to play, i know, ludicrous. but yeah this game felt like a chore for a while, the healing system felt too invasive (i still largely feel this way), the stealth felt like an afterthought, and the story, while interesting, felt detached from what made sons of liberty so interesting.

eventually though, the game slowly started growing on me one by one, i realised that even if the game felt less stealth based than 1 and 2, more options to play isn't bad, and eventually embraced it and just ran thru areas with my LMG and had more fun that way; the gunplay in this game was actually pretty fun and overall the combat/boss fights were generally good.

like i mentioned, i still find the healing system to be kind of overbearing but i understand it's there to make the setting of "solo mission in the jungle" more believable and real, i just personally took issue with spending a larger amount of time behind menus and interfaces. i especially dislike how there's a limit to how much you can carry, it would seem the devs put this here so you'd have to think about what you can and cannot carry, but the freedom to switch whenever you'd like kind of makes it more tedious than anything.

finally, the story really hooked me in once the character's motives began to become more clear. snake eater's story is way easier to follow along than sons of liberty but it still has that classic metal gear tension and misdirects. my issue of finding the story detached was resolved once the plot was wrapping up and finally started tying things back around to the previous 2 games, and the ending was absolutely phenomenal, as all of the endings thus far have been.

even though i predicted the naked snake = big boss reveal, and the bosses defection being more complicated than she led on, it was still super duper satisfying to have them answered in such a neat way.

my score for about 60% of this game was 3.5/5 but the further in i got, the better the game got, so i (somewhat reluctantly) give it a 4/5. it may sound like i was dogging on this game for the majority of this review but that’s just how i felt for like… half of my playthrough, again, it wasn’t until further in i began to appreciate the game’s qualities a little more - it’s not quite as good as sons of liberty in my opinion, but still, an amazing game nonetheless. i'm really looking forward to MGS4 and where it could possibly go from here.

p.s. the ladder part is super overrated, sorry.

21 days ago

layorio finished Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - HD Edition

This review contains spoilers

initially, snake eater was really tiresome to play, i know, ludicrous. but yeah this game felt like a chore for a while, the healing system felt too invasive (i still largely feel this way), the stealth felt like an afterthought, and the story, while interesting, felt detached from what made sons of liberty so interesting.

eventually though, the game slowly started growing on me one by one, i realised that even if the game felt less stealth based than 1 and 2, more options to play isn't bad, and eventually embraced it and just ran thru areas with my LMG and had more fun that way; the gunplay in this game was actually pretty fun and overall the combat/boss fights were generally good.

like i mentioned, i still find the healing system to be kind of overbearing but i understand it's there to make the setting of "solo mission in the jungle" more believable and real, i just personally took issue with spending a larger amount of time behind menus and interfaces. i especially dislike how there's a limit to how much you can carry, it would seem the devs put this here so you'd have to think about what you can and cannot carry, but the freedom to switch whenever you'd like kind of makes it more tedious than anything.

finally, the story really hooked me in once the character's motives began to become more clear. snake eater's story is way easier to follow along than sons of liberty but it still has that classic metal gear tension and misdirects. my issue of finding the story detached was resolved once the plot was wrapping up and finally started tying things back around to the previous 2 games, and the ending was absolutely phenomenal, as all of the endings thus far have been.

even though i predicted the naked snake = big boss reveal, and the bosses defection being more complicated than she led on, it was still super duper satisfying to have them answered in such a neat way.

my score for about 60% of this game was 3.5/5 but the further in i got, the better the game got, so i (somewhat reluctantly) give it a 4/5. it may sound like i was dogging on this game for the majority of this review but that’s just how i felt for like… half of my playthrough, again, it wasn’t until further in i began to appreciate the game’s qualities a little more - it’s not quite as good as sons of liberty in my opinion, but still, an amazing game nonetheless. i'm really looking forward to MGS4 and where it could possibly go from here.

p.s. the ladder part is super overrated, sorry.

21 days ago

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