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1 day ago

legelboy12 completed Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
the return of the best gamecube game

i think its interesting that they decided to remake this game as a lot of the older mario RPGs games are more digestible in terms of characters and location. this game has some of the more deep cuts in mario lore with the amount of different settlements here (the whole series does but i think TTYD has more interesting NPCs) the game's locations have also been beautifully rendered on the switch with everything feeling more glossy and colorful. (the 30 fps is kind of annoying but i got used to it personally)

the remade OST gives the game a lot more identity with unique themes for every chapter. i found myself leaving it on but i do think it overdoes sometimes (i think the OG battle theme is still great and would've preferred it in overworld fights)

mario RPG combat has always been good with the kinetic button attack/guards and the partners in battle (with quick change equipped) makes the battles feel seamless and entertaining. the different things the partners do also help with variety and makes you really think (in terms of usefulness its like goombella>yoshi>bobbery>vivian>koops>flurrie>mowz).

the story is pretty simple but has a lot of heart to it thanks to the writing. it also gets pretty dark for a mario game which i appreciate even more nowadays.

i don't rlly have any major issues with the game honestly a lot of the complaining seems to come from the fact that people were expecting something that this game isn't which i understand but find a little silly (IMO) this is a remake (honestly more like an HD remaster if i'm being honest) of an early 2000s RPG, a lot of them were like this.

overall i still think its the best mario RPG (close with superstar saga though) and it has aged pretty well considering the type of game it is.

2 days ago

MazShinji is now playing Asura's Wrath

3 days ago

3 days ago

4 days ago

notesurfer is now playing Dark Souls III

4 days ago

notesurfer finished The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
Skyward Sword is dreadfully dull despite its control innovations. I actually quite enjoyed the motion controls. They are often imprecise, but this is counterbalanced by generous margins for error and made worthwhile for their immersive quality. Unfortunately what you actually do with those controls is . . . nothing of interest. Flying is framed as a glorious release from pedestrian traversal, but in reality there's a tremendous amount of empty space between points of interest.

Character designs are delightfully goofy, but even this HD remaster looks smudgy and badly lit. It's actually bizarre how ugly this game is compared to its contemporaries. But, all that could be forgiven if the gameplay wasn't just tedious waypoint chasing. What does the stamina system do other than slow the game down? I actually laughed out loud at how slow Link is when climbing. Why are all the characters so talkative when they have nothing to say? It's incredible to trace Breath of the Wild's lineage back to this game and see how much of a difference a handful of design decisions make.

4 days ago

legelboy12 reviewed Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
the ending is always the best part of any story (or should be IMO) and i think endwalker nails this aspect. plenty of other reviews talk about the story so i won't really get into it here but i genuinely believe this hits the same peaks as shadowbringers (surprisedly) though the villains do lack the same punch.

SOKEN produced probably one of the best OSTs i've heard in my entire life with this expansion. each theme is already good on its first listen but then the full picture gets revealed and it hits even harder with the motifs and stuff like that. fuckin incredible man.

i actually really like the design in most of these trials/dungeon bosses. they feel very rewarding to succeed on and you also feel like you failed your party if you mess up. also this is back to the music part but the dungeon boss themes are amazing and immerse you into the world imo.

endwalker is a fantastic ending to FFXIV's first arc and an incredible achievement by the CBU3 team.

4 days ago

legelboy12 completed Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
the ending is always the best part of any story (or should be IMO) and i think endwalker nails this aspect. plenty of other reviews talk about the story so i won't really get into it here but i genuinely believe this hits the same peaks as shadowbringers (surprisedly) though the villains do lack the same punch.

SOKEN produced probably one of the best OSTs i've heard in my entire life with this expansion. each theme is already good on its first listen but then the full picture gets revealed and it hits even harder with the motifs and stuff like that. fuckin incredible man.

i actually really like the design in most of these trials/dungeon bosses. they feel very rewarding to succeed on and you also feel like you failed your party if you mess up. also this is back to the music part but the dungeon boss themes are amazing and immerse you into the world imo.

endwalker is a fantastic ending to FFXIV's first arc and an incredible achievement by the CBU3 team.

4 days ago

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